**Active Progress List** /--Planning the next release--

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Currently Compy is the only one who has it, so it would be down to him to release it.

I think at the moment the code is not functional because a lot of different pieces need to be made and changed to all work together again.
Did he give any update to you or the public about the status of his savings for the pc or the progress of it?    :sad:
There wasnt any update on him for months already and many people are starting to give up on this mod
Last I spoke to him, he was waiting to see what kind of Graphics cards would be available over the coming year, to make the decision on when and what to buy.

He is also working in a job that requires him to work X hours in X months to gain a specialist qualification, that will make him eligible for certain promotions, last we spoke he was going all in on that to try and get it done as soon as possible.

Beyond that I don't know as I haven't spoken to him for a while. Last we spoke he was still excited about the project though.
LibSpit said:
Last I spoke to him, he was waiting to see what kind of Graphics cards would be available over the coming year, to make the decision on when and what to buy.

He is also working in a job that requires him to work X hours in X months to gain a specialist qualification, that will make him eligible for certain promotions, last we spoke he was going all in on that to try and get it done as soon as possible.

Beyond that I don't know as I haven't spoken to him for a while. Last we spoke he was still excited about the project though.
Are you able to speak to him easily? Like do you know him in real life or skype with him or something, or do you just chat through taleworlds forum?

And why can't he code on a mobile device or on a cheap crappy laptop?
Yes he is my friend we talk via skype, UK to USA.

Are you going to by him a cheap crappy laptop?

Why should he spend his money on a device he doesn't want?

He wants to get the best rig he can get, so that he can do everything he would want with it.

We just have to wait and encourage him to code the dream when he comes back.

There's more to life than modding SOD :smile:
LibSpit said:
Yes he is my friend we talk via skype, UK to USA.

Are you going to by him a cheap crappy laptop?

Why should he spend his money on a device he doesn't want?

He wants to get the best rig he can get, so that he can do everything he would want with it.

We just have to wait and encourage him to code the dream when he comes back.

There's more to life than modding SOD :smile:
Lets hope that he comes back this month. I hope he didnt just abandon the mod
At the moment he is talking about building his computer in the autumn.

I think this is to match the time where he will be flat out trying to get his qualification hours locked in.
Froggy12 you are starting to piss me off now....

You like to make up crap like you know a damn thing...

What Original Post are you talking about, I just looked at the start of this thread and there is no mention of the mod being dead.

In fact the last time I talked to Compy, he was still excited about coming back when he had his new kit. So exactly what the hell are you talking about?

I am starting to think you are just a bored crap stirrer who has nothing better to do but shout his mouth off about a fantasy land that you live in where you directly communicate with people who don't know you...

Or perhaps you are a part of one of those unfortunately very sad mod teams who go around spreading negative rumours and down voting other mods that dare to mod the same game as you, in order to try and make yourself look better.

So if you are going to continue to start stupid rumours, please evidence these rumours with actual 'specific' evidence...

As far as I can tell you are talking nonsense!

Seeing as I both know the Mod Creator personally and have just re-read the OP of this thread twice and found nothing to support this claim, I think my statement of your nonsense is better researched than your claim that the mod is dead.

Which I am fairly certain it is not. (As of about a week ago. When I last spoke to the Mod Creator)
Yep, just to double confirm that froggy12 is definately a fantasist who enjoys, faking and lying on this forum for some unknown reason.

I just spoke to Compy (who is currently hanging around what appear to be some very large crates!?!) the mod is not dead!

You can pretty much take it as a guarantee, that if the post is not from compy himself, that the mod is not dead. 

Thanks for deleting your post marinxar :smile:
That's good to hear Marin!

Even though we are not actively working on it at the moment, me, and especially compy, are always thinking about 'The Next Build' and what it will be like!

Compy is chomping at the bit to get back to making SOD, it is just real life and saving money to pull the trigger on his new computer build(as well as wating to see if a better 'component' shows up) are what are holding him back right now.
Hello everyone I'm still around, I'm just not active on the mod at the moment because I'm busy working getting my hours at a union job I've been working since mid December last year.

I'll try to answer a few of everyones questions today.

I've been making the mod entirely on a crappy laptop. I've been wanting to build a custom desktop to fit my needs ever since the and 4xxx HD series chip glued to the motherboard started artifacting on me.  Running games on it is impossible at this point.
Computica said:
Hello everyone I'm still around, I'm just not active on the mod at the moment because I'm busy working getting my hours at a union job I've been working since mid December last year.

I'll try to answer a few of everyones questions today.

I've been making the mod entirely on a crappy laptop. I've been wanting to build a custom desktop to fit my needs ever since the and 4xxx HD series chip glued to the motherboard started artifacting on me.  Running games on it is impossible at this point.

Wow, glad to see you still alive and well.

Good luck on your desktop.
I hope you computica have all the sources of the 'under work' version of the mod uploaded to some cloud system. Lots of great under construction mods died because of an error in the hard drive of the developer  :sad:
@mike56. Yes I have all my work backed up on 2 different clouds.

As far as the desktop I plan to build. I won't start building my desktop until the Intel Skylake CPU Architecture is released. I'm waiting to choose a GPU.
Don't do it!! Don't fall for it!!

Skylake wants to become self aware and take over the world, enslaving humans and making time travelling murder robots!!!

Computica said:
@mike56. Yes I have all my work backed up on 2 different clouds.

As far as the desktop I plan to build. I won't start building my desktop until the Intel Skylake CPU Architecture is released. I'm waiting to choose a GPU.
What's your budget? :razz: As I am also planning on building a new pc this summer. :party:
$4000 - $5000 as of now which wasn't the case a year ago, my budget was 1/10 of that. I originally planned to use a triple monitor setup but I decided to aim for a 21:9 3440:1440 IPS panel. I like to game but I much more of a power user so the screen real estate on 1 screen will be welcome.

Since I know how I am, I'm aiming for expandability with this build, so I want my motherboard to be feature packed with over clocking as a bit of an afterthought.  For ram I need speed over size. I will use 2 WD Black Hardrives for storage. For the OS I'm forced to get Windows 10 over 7 because of dx12. The OS will be either on a m.2 drive or a ssd, it depends on which is more faster and stable.

I'd like to have just 2 GPUs (MAX), I'm leaning towards AMD but I might go Nvidia depending if AMD can't keep the power consumption and temps down. If one brand is better paired with a 2nd GPU I will go with that brand. I'm aiming for flagship GPUs but of course I would not make stupid decisions like buy a Titan X over a 980ti. Though I'm still super curious about what DX12 has to offer us.

I want whatever the top of the line mainstream skylake CPU is, I don't care to much for Intel's extreme offers. I don't see myself using that much processing power.

As far as specific brands for stuff other than AMD, Intel, & Nvidia. I'm not going for the most logical hardware for my needs with price of course being a factor. Unless you need a computer system this summer I'd wait if you plan to go with Intel as your chip set. The Computex 2015 floor has some pretty nice offerings for z170.

What type of computer are you planning to build?
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