Activate CD-key without internett

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A friend of mine bought the cd-key at the school, but he don't have internett at home so he can't activate it.

on screen it says that you can activate the CD-key if you don't have internett connection manually, but you have to enter a web-page to activate it, and I can't reach that page. my friend said that i should enter but that page has been down for 2 weeks or s

My friend is dying wihtout the whole game, and really want to activate the whole game. is there a way to activcate the game without internett or is it a page i can enter to do it for him?
Shouldn't be a problem.

He needs to get the hash number off the manual activation page. Write it down alongside your CD key.

One of you will then need to go to one of these sites:

main site

try this if the above isn't accessible

Once there, it will ask for the hash number and serial key. Put those in and it will give you an activation code. Write it down.

You then need to re-run M&B, and choose manual activation. Put the activation code you have in and it should unlock the game.
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