Achievement not working?

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So, I worked long and hard to unlock the "Deathbringer" Achievement by killing 50+ men in a single battle. I went into nearly impossible odds with me and my companions vs. a noldor spawn. My companions went down fairly quickly, but I managed to take out their cavalry and kite the leftover noldor infantry/archers around a series of hills to cut down on arrow fire. In the end, I netted like 62 kills for that battle! This was a huge accomplishment for me, as I usually average 10 to 20 kills per battle. I like to play more of a field commander than a fighter, but I really wanted to unlock this Achievement. And it didn't unlock. Weeks have passed, and no Achievement.

I even did it again, just to check for any possible fluke with the first one. Got over 50 kills again, and nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
it has to be 50+ kills in a single battle...  if the fight goes in several turns your kills in particular battles do not add up

are you sure your 62 kills have been in a single battle and not in the entire fight?
The easiest ways of getting this is in either castle defence (it's almost always against overwhelming odds) or castle attack where you order all your troops to hold directly under the wall (to prevent them getting killed and them shooting at the enemies) and taking out as many defenders as you can (starting with the ones on the towers).
I killed ~60 in a single turn, and no achievements :/
That was on the first year, then I was taking a pic for my desktop, and I ctrl+j'ed. then it said I'm a cheater lolwut
Well, GvB, I reckon you didnt ctrl-j but hit ctrl-h accidentally. The game tracks the suspicious key combinations and awards you with the cheater achievement which overrides all other ones and avoids you from getting new ones.

Call it bad luck. But since the achievements are just some icing over the cream it doesn´t matter much wether or not you get them.
They look fancy though as the Rule of Cool applies. MV did great work there posing them correctly.


Achievements are awarded once a week (me thinks) so it may take a little while till you get it. Just wait for your troops to earn their wages and let yourself be crowned in the resulting festivity. (Payday, YAY!) --> Patience, young padawan! If your PoP install works as intended it will pop up  :mrgreen:
noosers said:
Achievements are awarded once a week (me thinks) so it may take a little while till you get it. Just wait for your troops to earn their wages and let yourself be crowned in the resulting festivity. (Payday, YAY!) --> Patience, young padawan! If your PoP install works as intended it will pop up  :mrgreen:

i don't have problems with my achievements... i know they sometimes take some time to be actually awarded... i was only replying to BetrayTheWorld's question in this thread

well actually i do have a small "problem" - but that's a completly different story
I have a bunch of skills at 9 with chance to upgrade them to 10 (already 30 in those stats, and 4 spare points)
I am just wondering if any of the achievement gives bonus to the skills that i want to upgrade....
The ones i am thinking about are Ironflesh (edit: ok checked and know which one gives this bonus, i'm yet to get this one), Powerstrike, Powerdraw, Looting, Horse Archery, Training... I know there is one achievement award with +1 in Riding which i already got, so was wondering which stats are "safe" to upgrade so that i don't waste a precious skill point (i'm at level 39 now so the next levels will be very hard to get)
noosers said:
Well, GvB, I reckon you didnt ctrl-j but hit ctrl-h accidentally. The game tracks the suspicious key combinations and awards you with the cheater achievement which overrides all other ones and avoids you from getting new ones.

Call it bad luck. But since the achievements are just some icing over the cream it doesn´t matter much wether or not you get them.
They look fancy though as the Rule of Cool applies. MV did great work there posing them correctly.


Achievements are awarded once a week (me thinks) so it may take a little while till you get it. Just wait for your troops to earn their wages and let yourself be crowned in the resulting festivity. (Payday, YAY!) --> Patience, young padawan! If your PoP install works as intended it will pop up  :mrgreen:
No, no Ctrl+H. I always had my cheats off.
It doesn´t matter wether you´ve got cheats turned on or off. The game tracks the key-combinations and even if you hit ctrl-h by accident because you hit your right index finger with a sledgehammer earlier this morning and it´s thrice it´s size you´re not pardoned by PoP and branded as a cheater.

Thus avoid hitting the evil key combinations at all cost if you value your achievements.
noosers said:
It doesn´t matter wether you´ve got cheats turned on or off. The game tracks the key-combinations and even if you hit ctrl-h by accident because you hit your right index finger with a sledgehammer earlier this morning and it´s thrice it´s size you´re not pardoned by PoP and branded as a cheater.

Thus avoid hitting the evil key combinations at all cost if you value your achievements.
Today I tested.
I'm still with cheats off and I pressed all "evil key combinations", Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+Shift+F4, Ctrl+H, etc. NONE triggered the cheater achievement.
Did you wait long enough?
All achievements may be triggered only once, so if you already got it you´ll wait forever for it turning up again within the same game.
noosers said:
Did you wait long enough?
All achievements may be triggered only once, so if you already got it you´ll wait forever for it turning up again within the same game.
I didn't get any, and I waited for like 1 month, and nothing,
Qnevven Zolond said:
it has to be 50+ kills in a single battle...  if the fight goes in several turns your kills in particular battles do not add up

are you sure your 62 kills have been in a single battle and not in the entire fight?

I'm POSITIVE. I turned on the kill counter to be sure. And I already knew it had to be in one combat round. If it took all your kills from all rounds and added them up, it wouldn't have taken any effort at all for me to get this. As it stands, I basically had to play the game in a completely different way than I normally do in order to earn this achievement.

ANYONE have a suggestion here? I've killed over 50 people in a single combat round 3 times now, and still no achievement. It's been months in-game.
I am a cheater and game always gives me the Deathbringer achievement , it just takes some time for the script to fire , in one case i got it after a week .
I catch this archivments, but i destroy and entire heretic party only with my characters. After 300 days in game, i'havent an army. Probably, you must stay alone, without your army, for catch this archivments.
You need to destroy a hertic army for the heretic army achievement. With your party only participating. No other third, fourth of fifth party may participate in the final extinction battle round.

So, say a spawned patrol of aforementioned spawn has caught a band of poor innocent farmers and the Demonic Magni lust for peasant women and join the fracas just the second you ride by and join the rumpus to kill some stuff and wipe them out you won´t get the achievemement because you didn´t start the engagement with the correct party.

You´re always fighting against the TOP party listed in the roster. If the eg. Heretic Army isn´t listed as first, you´re probably fighting a minor factin spawn or a patrol AIDED by the army and hence, no achievement.

To get them for sure ensure you and your party are alone, can manage the worn out or fresh spawn and you´re the one to engage the hostile army. If you wipe them out entirely, you´ll shortly afterwards be awarded for this feature with an achievement - you´ll only get it once.
just a hint to devs (here, so i wouldn't start another topic, and i don't consider it a bug), that achievments seems to have some issue. I have 2 PoP games, one is perfectly 'legal' and the 2nd is for testing purposes, and in that 2nd one, i didn't got the 'cheater' acheivment after killing whole Jatu army with ctrl f4 ;p and i got jatu bane or sumthin like that achievment. Maybe you should look it up? :smile:
Did you continue playing or did you simply quit after you defeated the Jatu Army? It could as well be the Jatu achievement was triggered before you´ll get the cheater award.
I find the solution for catch the army archievement of Jatu and the other. For example, now, i have 3 army archievements. One is for the Jatu Army, one is for the Mystmountain Barbarian, and the third is for the Snake cult army. Is not difficult. First step is to run away to one of this army, and when this follow you, you go in an other land where there is an army. When you find the second army, you run away, and the two army star a long battle. After 4 day, in my case, the two army was drasticaly reduce, and i attack the two menometated army. I catch two enemy characthers and two Archievements. Usualy the Jatu army are invincible, and i catch the other army in the Jatu territory.
Goffredo said:
I find the solution for catch the army archievement of Jatu and the other. For example, now, i have 3 army archievements. One is for the Jatu Army, one is for the Mystmountain Barbarian, and the third is for the Snake cult army. Is not difficult. First step is to run away to one of this army, and when this follow you, you go in an other land where there is an army. When you find the second army, you run away, and the two army star a long battle. After 4 day, in my case, the two army was drasticaly reduce, and i attack the two menometated army. I catch two enemy characthers and two Archievements. Usualy the Jatu army are invincible, and i catch the other army in the Jatu territory.
Awesome :3
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