
So, I worked long and hard to unlock the "Deathbringer" Achievement by killing 50+ men in a single battle. I went into nearly impossible odds with me and my companions vs. a noldor spawn. My companions went down fairly quickly, but I managed to take out their cavalry and kite the leftover noldor infantry/archers around a series of hills to cut down on arrow fire. In the end, I netted like 62 kills for that battle! This was a huge accomplishment for me, as I usually average 10 to 20 kills per battle. I like to play more of a field commander than a fighter, but I really wanted to unlock this Achievement. And it didn't unlock. Weeks have passed, and no Achievement.
I even did it again, just to check for any possible fluke with the first one. Got over 50 kills again, and nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
I even did it again, just to check for any possible fluke with the first one. Got over 50 kills again, and nothing. Am I doing something wrong?