Accidentally released a companion

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as the title says i gave up one of my companions. I accidentally told her to got out on her own in my settlement and now i cant get her back. I am around level 32 and she was only level 12... whats the deal?!
It looks like you need 24 relations to get her back. You'll just have to join the bandit force when she goes to fight, KO her, and then release her a few times. Plus 4 relation!
It happens. You recruit them at level 1, then by accident they leave your party, and all of a sudden you can't bribe them back into your party. It's a shame you can't give them troops or anything so they'll be safe until you can get them back. Aw well. Time to solve this with the sledgehammer.
As Morrowind Mod Man said you can wait until your former companion is in a fight and join the other side, not capture her and you get 5 relation (not 4).
You can also join on her side and get relation based on the numbers of both sides (and level?).
You can also go into the same settlement she is in (hse has to be on the map) or in the tavern (she has to be in) and get a relation boost, the longer you are there the more you get (up to 60).
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