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El Cid

I dont know if this has been suggested but maybe someone could make and texture some items/accessories like pendants bandanas, bandages capes or shoulder cloths. They could be awarded at certain ranks or you could purchase them and they could add to your skills.

Just thinkin"
Thats a good idea. As we still can't add models yet, it will be kinda hard. I guess you could modify one of the shirts to include it somehow. I will look into it though.

Does anyone else know how this could be done?
if u want to see the shoulder cloth "dancing on the wind" u must have some kind of animation and therefor another model which to my knoledge is not possible to add (yet).
if u really want it, sure, it can be skinned but it won't be anything fancy just that a part of what you're wearing will have different colour but it won't be posible to see it blown by the wind

nice ideea though
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