About the world...

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I dont like the world...

I think, to make an island will be good, cause mountains a 2 rivers as limit of the world...
Rivers are not good, I enter in combat in the middle of a explain and a lot of hight mountain and river appears...

A idea to a better map...

-A better map will be an island, and like sims that islands is a square of the worldmap, another square can be for example another island about arabic weapons and equipment, you must go to a city near the border to that island, and travel by boat. And you include a new element, ports.

In the map:
-Inside the island. Battle maps must be generated in accord whit the terrain, if you are near a river, a side of the river will appear, if you are in explain, a explain will be tha map. A idea for that is for example, divide the map in squares ( invisibles to player ), and each square generate a kind of terrain, whit some cordinates like sea at "East of the map" or.. "river from south to north"

-Mountains seems so artificial, a idea to make a map, is take a real one, or "cut and paste" some real regions, cause that map seems so artificial.
And please, why i cannot travel to the mountain? I want go to the mountains, and include snow map and barren maps, all maps are beautiful greens.

Elements in the map:
Will be a good idea add elements in the map, for example, campaments of refugees, or campaments of pirates... and more interactive elements.

And... What ABOUT A SALT MINE IN THE MOUNTAIN???? What hell is it?
Salts mines are in the sea, in the coast, not in mountains! (Images from where I am )



Thats is all by the moment...
I'm not sure if the map will ever change, but i'll expect that you'll have more freedom in what you do. Don't forget, like the towns, there is quite a large amount of placeholder stuff hanging around in the game.

I think armagan plans to make it so that the random terrain will indeed be dependant on where you are.

Finally, there's more than one way to mine salt. The salt mine will be mining Rock salt, or Halite. Which will be underground somewhere.
When the salt mine is finished it will likely look like a quarry.
Tinerfe said:
And... What ABOUT A SALT MINE IN THE MOUNTAIN???? What hell is it?
Salts mines are in the sea, in the coast, not in mountains! (Images from where I am )



Thats is all by the moment...

Ever heard about Siberia? :smile:
There's plenty of salt mines in Europe. They arent in use any more as sea salt is much cheaper, but they were fully operational back in the middle ages.
I think the worldmap will change still, at least I hope it'll become bigger.


I suppose both types of salt mines exist
Brothers, you've both earned your salaries today!

I can see myself reaching the ridge towing a not-so-tough Dark Knight and seeing the mines below.
tsuken said:
I think the worldmap will change still, at least I hope it'll become bigger.


I suppose both types of salt mines exist

That is precisely the point.
The salt mine should look like a white cliff dug in to a mountain,  A line of semi naked slaves "attacking" the rock and the slave trader at the door of a small hut, and next to it the small shop of the trader. And oh! remember to turn the horse to look straight to the mine: Turning it arround each time to go there to sell a slave is attacking my nerves!  :roll:

Not far from where I live, there is one of the oldest salt mines in Europe: Cardona. It is in a mountain range. There is a story about it, saying that some wandering bandits captured the daughter of the count of the city in which terrain was located the salt mine, and asked for a principesque ransom. Soon a courier brought the bandits a bag containing dozens of cut diamonds. The bandits  released the Count's daughter . The following morning it was raining and the pirates found to their horror that the cloth sack containing the diamonds was dripping a chalk like substance. They opened the sack and found that the diamonds were melting in the rain. In fact the diamonds, as you have already guessed, were not real ones, but cristal clear chunks of salt dug out of the mines that the smart count had ordered cut to the shape of a diamond.
Salt Mine in Wieliczka, Poland (my country :smile:). Wieliczka lays in mountains called Tatry. It's for tourists now, this mine doesnt work.

<deniz> said:
How did you manage to find this thread out? And actually why?  :shock:

I wanted to express my view about how the salt mine should look and had 2 options

Open a new thread


Use the search option - which I obviously did  :mrgreen:
Tinerfe said:
I dont like the world...

Hello. It appears that you are writing a suicide letter. Microsoft Word can help you with this. First, please tell us how you are going to die.

... just kidding.

But the world DOES need to change. Walkable mountains, roads, stuff like that. Maybe walking uphill a mountain decreases speed, and walking downhill increases?
Smokedfish said:
Tinerfe said:
I dont like the world...

Hello. It appears that you are writing a suicide letter. Microsoft Word can help you with this. First, please tell us how you are going to die.

... just kidding.

Smokedfish said:
But the world DOES need to change. Walkable mountains, roads, stuff like that. Maybe walking uphill a mountain decreases speed, and walking downhill increases?

I agree that mountains would alter your traveling speed.  But I don't think walking downhill would increase speed much because you don't want to tumble down the mountain all out of control. 
Yes, these changes would be good, but for god's sake, we can't change claradia too much (eg take away hills, put in oceans ect.), it'd just be plain wrong.
The way it is at the moment leaves so many great possibilities for the future though. Like explorations and finding new land to play in updates. Invasions from other lands. That kind of stuff. Where the Swadians and the Vaegirs put a side their differences and battle the evil from "Insert other place name"
Juno said:
The way it is at the moment leaves so many great possibilities for the future though. Like explorations and finding new land to play in updates. Invasions from other lands. That kind of stuff. Where the Swadians and the Vaegirs put a side their differences and battle the evil from "Insert other place name"

Yeah, that'd be fun. Of course, i'm wouldn't mind expanding the map, i just don't wan't to completely change it.
sneakey pete said:
Juno said:
The way it is at the moment leaves so many great possibilities for the future though. Like explorations and finding new land to play in updates. Invasions from other lands. That kind of stuff. Where the Swadians and the Vaegirs put a side their differences and battle the evil from "Insert other place name"

Yeah, that'd be fun. Of course, i'm wouldn't mind expanding the map, i just don't wan't to completely change it.

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