About the next version...

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What sort of updates and additions can we expect to see in it? A list of the highlights would be nice.
Sure. Here's the current changelog. There are a few missing bits I forgot to add and I will try to add a few more fixes before the new version.

Fixed the sound coming in reverse from speakers.
Added secondary upgrade option to some troops.
Fixed the "Take message to Lord of Zendar" bug.
Fixed facing directions of NPCs and Player in tournaments and towns.
Fixed blocking exploit by pressing LMB and RMB simultaneously.
Added horse armor to horse description
Lame horses now heal with time. Healing time is shortened by party's wound treatment skill level
lance is couched at lower speed.
Added max_framerate configuration option (default 300)
Pressing configure button in the launcher window now opens rgl_config.txt for editing.
Added "allow quit without saving" option.
Added a 10% damage and speed penalty to using polearms with a shield.
Reduced attack speed of lances and some other polearms.
Fixed enemies merging into each other bug.
Added effects for spirited and heavy horses
Parties shouldn't spawn on water anymore.
Fixed excessive rewards for army supply quests
Fixed mouse pointer disappearing.
Game now supports up to 8 mouse buttons.
Added Combat speed option
Added Difficulty Rating to Options screen.
Fixed no army wage with Swadians bug.
Player can switch sides now.
Thrown weapons now stack like other ranged weapons.
Horses now deal damage correctly when they hit footmen
Changed "limp" horse modifier to "lame"
You can now wield a shield together with a thrown weapon
Great! A few notes:
>Fixed excessive rewards for army supply quests
How about rising rewards for a few others, like escort and rise knights?
>Lame horses now heal with time. Healing time is shortened by party's wound treatment skill level
I think that now lame horses should not be sold at stores anymore... or player will be able to buy them, heal them and sell for a profit :smile:. On the other hand, if reward will not be too high, it's allright.
>lance is couched at lower speed.
Hmm, why? Right now, hitting things with couched polearms is hard enough as it is, compared to ride-by slashes. I'd say leave it as it is... it's up for you to decide, of course. On the other hand, perhaps nerfing damage on ride-by swings at least a bit is in order... or, better, allow us to maneuver a couched lance (at least, to a certain degree)! That would be simply the best.
How about issuing a patch this time, instead of putting entire game for re-download? And how about putting it out now? :smile: I'd say most some bugfixes are rather pressing for being released. And other features can wait.
That sounds extremely good, armagan. :smile: Very good to know.

I'd also second a request for a separate 'patch' file for all us folks who've downloaded the game already on a slow connection.
Balor said:
Great! A few notes:
>Fixed excessive rewards for army supply quests
How about rising rewards for a few others, like escort and rise knights?
>Lame horses now heal with time. Healing time is shortened by party's wound treatment skill level
I think that now lame horses should not be sold at stores anymore... or player will be able to buy them, heal them and sell for a profit :smile:. On the other hand, if reward will not be too high, it's allright.
>lance is couched at lower speed.
Hmm, why? Right now, hitting things with couched polearms is hard enough as it is, compared to ride-by slashes. I'd say leave it as it is... it's up for you to decide, of course. On the other hand, perhaps nerfing damage on ride-by swings at least a bit is in order... or, better, allow us to maneuver a couched lance (at least, to a certain degree)! That would be simply the best.
How about issuing a patch this time, instead of putting entire game for re-download? And how about putting it out now? :smile: I'd say most some bugfixes are rather pressing for being released. And other features can wait.

I doubt a horse would heal higher then its max stats... DUH

I agree some of the other quests should have their reward upped.

Lances couching at lower speed is good, its fine, leave it.
armagan said:
Fixed the sound coming in reverse from speakers.
In addition to how World of Warcraft put sounds out of different sides of the speakers depending where your ingame char was facing, you drove me crazy.
Parties shouldn't spawn on water anymore.

What about parties already spawned on water? i have a quest broken for this. Will there be a cheat to make a mission considered "complete"? Or a "teleport to mouse pointer"?

Might i suggest, if it is not much work, to expand tha landmass? Just a bit, nothing that will devastate your gaming world, just enough in order to make so that parties already in water will be instead on land. How about this?
Any word on a framerate limiter? I'm not sure of the exact cause, but this game overheats my computer more than Half Life 2 and Doom 3 with maximum settings and 1600x1200 resolution.

*edit* I don't mean to sound negative. That list of changes looks really great, and I'm especially looking forward to playing it with my javalin character. :smile:
yeah... I noticed that sometimes (menus and such) my framerate was over 800. BTW, is there gonna come a time when we get an option to turn the framerate monitor off?
NorphTehDwarf said:
yeah... I noticed that sometimes (menus and such) my framerate was over 800. BTW, is there gonna come a time when we get an option to turn the framerate monitor off?

The option is already there. Go to your Mount & Blade directory and open rgl_config.txt.

"show_framerate = 1" to 0
Balor said:
*hmms* "Here goes scathing remark regarding your poor eyesight"
Added max_framerate configuration option (default 300)

Oops, I guess I do need glasses since I thought I had read through the whole thing.

In that case, everything looks perfect for the next version. Can't wait.
Skree said:
What about parties already spawned on water? i have a quest broken for this. Will there be a cheat to make a mission considered "complete"? Or a "teleport to mouse pointer"?
Sorry Skree. Existing savegames won't work with the new version at all. That's why I want to make new version releases far apart and really "worth it".
Very nice job, Armagan! It's a joy watching the game grow like a dear child. :wink:

Lame horses now heal with time. Healing time is shortened by party's wound treatment skill level

Maybe I'm a masochist, but I really liked it that you could ruin your horse without having it killed/stolen! Then you just have to think about whether you can buy another horse or keep riding the lame one. I've eaten a horse because it went lame. :wink:

Horses don't really heal that well in the legs. They might be spared for peacetime activities like plowing if they had the nature for it (that's in the middle-ages when a horse was a fortune), but they wouldn't often heal well enough for riding/combat.
I wanted even long ago to request for dismemberment :roll: (only for enemies, of course, like in Blade of Darkness)
Is it possible?
a. Requested like 10 times already (doh, I do need to post that FPS thread :smile:).
b. Not easily done, that's for sure.
But 'official' reply from Armagan would be nice indeed. I've talked about that in great detail in 'blood' thread.
I'll try to add blood sometime. Dismemberment... I don't know. Technically it' s possible to chop off heads, hands and boots (since they are seperate meshes). But that's really low priority for me.
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