About that four ways inn bug...

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Someone in one of the threads about it said that maybe the problem wasnt the fact that the four ways .sco file was bugged, but it was the wrong map accidently linked to by mistake.

Well if you look when you edit the four ways map theres those two triangles of starting points in a barren moonscape. Now when youre travelling on the world map and intercept/get intercepted by another party and it enters the part where you talk to them, look at the picture box. Its a barren moonscape terrain, and there are you and your men on one side and the enemy leader (talking to you) with enemies behind him. I think THIS is the map the four ways inn has been incorrectly linked to.

I wouldnt know for sure unless I tried editing M&B and changing the warp from the world map to the four ways inn...and I dont know how to do it. Would anybody like to try and then post the findings here for us?
Thought I'd put it here because this was the most appropriate thread, instead of starting a new one.

In case you didn't know... If you had a save game in 0.703 where you lost Marnid and/or Borcha due to the Four Ways Inn Bug in that release, they WILL BE THERE if you install the 0.704 patch and go to the Four Ways Inn.
I came up with that idea - with the new mod tools it will be resonably easy to check however and I will do so right now.

Edit:It would appear I was right. Four ways inn would not appear to link to anywhere

"You enter the four ways inn.",

So you end up in a blank moonscape. The default terrain I believe.

Edit2: The same for encounters I think.

"You come accross another party.",
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