About Multiplayer

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I played allot of M&B  :cool: to discover that would be nice and cool in this game to have (local area network) - ( or Online ) anyway those who created M&B i would like to tell you something about this Multiplayer, well first when the game starts and when you enter in the world of M&B to be exactly like in Single Player but no more (pause/pressing Space Buton) and make more weapones and armors and when we are in the game map and travel on it if we see someone friendly to join his party or him join mine with clans fighting and would be cool is you could make those Bots we have in our army well :evil: . . .  they are soo noobs i want them to move batter and smarter and one more thing when the game will have Multiplayer we need to buy a licience or something or we can enter for free (is batter free) :grin:
if you haven't noticed it yet the multiplayer will only be in the battle. Not on the campaign map.
The multiplayer will be in deathmatch, team deathmatch and search and destroy.
TheWolf said:
I played allot of M&B  :cool: to discover that would be nice and cool in this game to have (local area network) - ( or Online ) anyway those who created M&B i would like to tell you something about this Multiplayer, well first when the game starts and when you enter in the world of M&B to be exactly like in Single Player but no more (pause/pressing Space Buton)... when we are in the game map and travel on it if we see someone friendly to join his party or him join mine with clans fighting and would be cool is you could make those Bots we have in our army well :evil:
they are soo noobs i want them to move batter and smarter and one more thing when the game will have Multiplayer we need to buy a licience or something or we can enter for free (is batter free) :grin:

That would need a serious amount of scripting and planning to carry through. I think it's a very good idea having a persistent limited world, but it may not be the best idea to attempt something this elaborate when it's the first time a small team attempts to incorporate online functions into their game. Maybe for M&B 2, but it seems a too optimistic for such a thing to be done well on their first stab at this, I'd much rather see them polish the basic multiplayer element first.

make more weapones and armors

Why? All you need is the basic number of them that fills out all possible properties in reach, various attack powers, and attributes. The game doesn't necessarily need all those reskins and textures. They would be nice, but I'd rather see the effort spent in programming and coding the multitude of things that need to be included. If you derive joy from seeing a multitude of medieval weaponry and armors, perhaps supporting a museum exhibit would be of interest to you :eek:.

our army well :evil: . . .  they are soo noo

Please space out your periods more frequently, no one wants to see ellipses because a poster doesn't want to put any effort into putting those dots around their paragraphs, especially when they don't fit into the sentence :wink:.
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