About lance use

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Lance should be shatter to pieces to prevent rider to fall down from mount. After that infantry formation is broke and mounted warriors start use melee weapons from horseback against scattered enemy soldiers.
so even lance is broken or dropped after initial charge it could be not used again. Only shorter spear can be used against infantry from horseback with out losing grip to weapon. Lance was primarily used against spears at infantry formation longer because longer reach. Lance was single use weapon. When shorter spear impales footman, and horse is moving fast it will go through shield and armor, just like lance, but spear is possible to recover from footman and use again.
I thought of this too, maybe if/when armagan decides to incorporate weapon durability into the game this will follow, as lances are used they way they are they break and shatter easily, a blunt lance should quite often shatter if another rider takes the impact on his shield, but that would probably forcefully dismount him :wink:
When using sharp spears and lances and piercing a body the lance/spear will quite possibly break in two and become useless, or at least get stuck in the body.
Lance would not always shatter after the first hit (sometimes it would rip through the victum, depends on where they are hit really. If its the neck, then lance wont shatter lol), but yes they are a lot less durable than swords. I agree that couching lance should be destroyed in a few hits. Only problem at the moment, is that if this would be implimented nobody would want to carry a lance any more since it's use would be near to useless. (since couching damage is the main use lol)

At the moment, I really don't (personally) think that this is a very major issue. I am happy with the way it already works, while prefer to have new / other stuff implimented / added on. However, if this is important to some people, we could try suggesting of a way to impliment this WITHOUT making a lance not being used at all.

Few things I can think of:
A) Lance only slot(s). The number can be increased with a skill, however lances will shatter in 1 hit, whether or not blocked by shield.
B) Lance only slot (single). Skill will increase how accurate you are with the lance, therefore how many targets you are able to devastate before lance shatters.
D) Lances are 'stackable' (like throwing spears), shatter on impact, but you can carry a stack with you (again like throwing spears, in stacks of 7 or 12)
E) A mix of all the above.
F) Ignore this issue for now, concentrate on other things, and come back to this later on.

And yes, originally lances were used to shatter formations, etc. But there are NO formations in game (as of the moment), neither is the AI very smart.
If this is implemented, it should be held until a squire unit is added. Squires would carry extra ammo and lances to front line troops from the baggage.
With the NPC AI, I can already see squires running into a group of archers with their lil' lance, and getting pwned while the cavalry harmlessly rides past.

I have nothing against this idea, but this is why I think other issues should be solved, and other things implimented before this.
I would still use lance if it didn't require 1 slot. 1 slot for 1 hit is a bit too much. Maybe moving to a different "slotting" system could change things.
Well give it a "ammo-like" number and have that number reduced whenever at does croched damage. When it hits 0 make it unusable for the rest of that combat. Would be easy to code, and a good compromise of realism and playability.
Volkier said:
With the NPC AI, I can already see squires running into a group of archers with their lil' lance, and getting pwned while the cavalry harmlessly rides past.

I have nothing against this idea, but this is why I think other issues should be solved, and other things implimented before this.

Well maybe it will be better if ...

The squires don't run to you, you run to you.
Imagine a squire holding a banner and keeping a safe distance from the army, your weapon shatters and you ride towards the banner.
And they can also sound horns to coordinate your commands between sub-squads. (and sound a horn after everyone dies, would be totally orgasmic)
And they can also not be attacked by npc until everyone dies and then they drop the banner and run to mama.

In short, Squires are compact and handy, and make cute noises.
Only tournament lances shattered, and to protect the target, not the rider. Well prepared knight should be never dismounted because his lance struck - when the Czech king, Jiri z Podebrad, sent his diplomatic mission around the world, it is said his knights used to astonish the people in foreign courts by charging against a wall with a lance - granted, the lance broke this time, but the knight remained in the saddle.

Battle lances were made not to break, but to last as long as possible for repeated use.
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