About "King and People"

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TW can you make it so that if you are a King in Bannerlord "the Guards bow down before you if you enter the Castle or Keep
and in a Town the people are yelling my Lord or Something xD
"then we can feel important  :shifty:


Well, if you talk to the guards in Warband they not only stand at attention, but also bow down their heads, which (again I'm no historian so don't take my word too seriously) I suppose it's what commoners did when facing nobility.
About Kings, AFAIK years before there was only Calradic Empire, then it starts losing territories to the rebels and other outsiders, then Empire's itself started to divide into West, East, South etc.

This means, there should be one old, weak, incompetent, sad King, a King which was a whole united Calradic Empire's King, but couldn't fix problems and lost nearly everything. I don't know which Empire faction's King (South/West/East) was the King of whole Calradic Empire at the beginning, lets assume it was Western Empire's King. That King should be seen so old and weak, and incompetent, also his lords wouldn't trust him much. If that king stays at his Castle all the time, and always sits in his throne like that;


and when we talk with him, he was always like hopeless about the future, it could be very good and kindly realistic. He lost most of his empire, he couldn't stop civil wars, he maybe lost his family, his lords hate him, at war with multiple factions etc. so he is in desperate position.

I mean, in Bannerlord, that King should not be drawn as "strong, smart, trustworthy" king. Right?
In all honesty I have high hopes for the mod system being extensible enough to do things like this. Ideally create a or use an existing animation and have it trigger once the player enters a radius around the guards if the player is of a certain prestige or whatever.  I hope that we'll be able to start building out lots of personality and other fun stuff this way.
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