about add_reinforcements_to_entry

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(add_reinforcements_to_entry,<mission_template_entry_no>,<value>),this is the explaination in header_operations.py.

but there is no explaination about <value>.For example (add_reinforcements_to_entry,0,7),here what does 7 mean? and other values?

7 is the number of troops that spawn in that entry point.

0 is the entry point.

The type of troops that come out of the particular entry point are probably already defined somewhere else.

Hope that helps.
Fei Dao said:
7 is the number of troops that spawn in that entry point.
Last time I checked it was some relative value, something like '12' meant 100%* current battlesize setting modified by tactics.
Both sides spawned 'value of 6' each, and the result was that clearly more than 6 men were spawned.

Fei Dao said:
0 is the entry point.
Precisely, it's not an entry point, but the sequence number of a spawn record, as they appear in the mission template, starting with 0.

So basicly if you had spawn records:
(3,mtef_attackers,0,aif_start_alarmed,6,[]),  #seq 0
(5,mtef_attackers,0,aif_start_alarmed,6,[]),  #seq 1

Then if you want to reinforce attackers at spawn point 3, you have to add_reinforcements_to_entry with mission_template_entry_no = 0.
If you add_reinforcements to entry 1, then the reinforcements will spawn at entry point number 5.

If you wanted to add reinforcements to entry 3 - I forgot, but probably you'll end up with assertion error about maximum index exceeded, as there are only two records in the example.
ifrit said:
Fei Dao said:
The type of troops that come out of the particular entry point are probably already defined somewhere else.
errr,do you know where defines it ?
You can not control it directly, but there's a set of mtef_* flags you can use as a second argument of each spawn record, so you can somewhat control which troop type comes first, allow or disallow heroes etc...
See header_mission_templates.py
Manitas said:
ifrit said:
Fei Dao said:
The type of troops that come out of the particular entry point are probably already defined somewhere else.
errr,do you know where defines it ?
You can not control it directly, but there's a set of mtef_* flags you can use as a second argument of each spawn record, so you can somewhat control which troop type comes first, allow or disallow heroes etc...
See header_mission_templates.py
thank you
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