Ability to name soldiers?

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I thought it would be a nice touch if one of your soldiers (maybe the one with the most experience) could be given the rank of "Captain" with the ability for you to name him, that way your soldiers/cavalry aren't just nameless statistics, and you tend to take it personally when Captain Bobsson (or whoever) is killed by the enemy.
You actually can edit the faces of your soldiers and Marnid/Borcha, you just ask them to tell you about themselves, and you'll be taken to the stats/face screen. Just click the face screen as you would for you own character. I'm pretty sure it saves the changes as I did this for Marnid once.
JohnathanStrange said:
I dub thee "Lord John Drinksalot" and henceforth command thee to rid the kingdom of pirates, bandits, and console gamers.

Console Gamers? Sleep lightly, wanker. When you smell gasoline, it's already too late.
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