SP - General Ability to hire large mercenary/sellsword groups.

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When you enter mid/lategame (200+ days) even on realism you usually have a huge amount of money. And after buying top tier armor and investing it in some caravans/ventures/castles/cities etc you have literally nowhere to spend it. I’d like to see some kind of mercenary groups to be presented in the game. While having all that money usually you lack troups for garrisons, armies of your clan members or your own army after big defeats. And those mercenaries in taverns come in very small groups what makes them relevant only early game. That’d be cool to see something like Second Sons or Golden Company from GoT - really large mercenary groups that could provide you with many warriors in exchange for your gold. They may become new factions, a new actor in global balance of power. And being sellswords they’d lose morale much faster than regular troops after not being paid their daily charge, so they’d leave as soon as you’re out of money. They can be hired by kingdoms that are struggling during wars being outnumbered, yet still able to pay for their security with gold.
Actually this is my first post on forums like this, so what do you think about that?
Sounds like the minor factions, who do effectively serve as mercenaries for the main factions. The only thing is the player cannot hire them or hire troops from them, the latter part of which I think may be implemented.
+1 Recruiting minor factions as mercenaries that is logical and there are already in the game so i suspect this feature will come eventually
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