Sergeant at Arms

Question about the 'remove_troop_from_site' operator: can I call it to remove a troop from a remote site? Example:
I'm in Zendar. I get a message that King Harlaus is dead. Long live the King. I ride with haste to Sargoth and find that my liege Harlaus is not longer present. Can I call 'remove_troop_from_site' thusly:
to get the corpse out, or can that operator only be called when the player is present and takes only one argument:
I guess the short version of this question is: can this operator take a second argument of location to remotely remove a character from a scene?
I'm in Zendar. I get a message that King Harlaus is dead. Long live the King. I ride with haste to Sargoth and find that my liege Harlaus is not longer present. Can I call 'remove_troop_from_site' thusly:
to get the corpse out, or can that operator only be called when the player is present and takes only one argument:
I guess the short version of this question is: can this operator take a second argument of location to remotely remove a character from a scene?