abilities of the remove_troop_from_site operator

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Sergeant at Arms
Question about the 'remove_troop_from_site' operator: can I call it to remove a troop from a remote site? Example:

I'm in Zendar. I get a message that King Harlaus is dead. Long live the King. I ride with haste to Sargoth and find that my liege Harlaus is not longer present. Can I call 'remove_troop_from_site' thusly:


to get the corpse out, or can that operator only be called when the player is present and takes only one argument:


I guess the short version of this question is: can this operator take a second argument of location to remotely remove a character from a scene?
You can remove any troop from any site you want, if you put the correct troop and scene information in there. Looks like you've got the operation typed up right.

Keep in mind, though, that remove_troop_from_site will only remove someone from a scene while you're -not- there. If you invoke remove_troop_from_site during, say, a conversation with a character while that character is in the scene, the conversation will finish, and that character will not be removed -- it will only disappear after you've left the scene. Once you re-enter it, the character will be gone.

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