A_Rude_Gesture's Music mod

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Hallo Rude Gesture,

it´s nice to see that you want to provide us with good Medieval Music, but I have a question, perhaps a stupid one....
... do you have the permission of the bands to share their music with us?

I like their music, but I remember another Thread, someone would share the great Conan soundtrack with us and the thread was closed, the download link removed,because it´s illegal.

Please be cautios what you write in an open forum.
I am no lawyer, but I believe this could bring you and the forum owners in great trouble, at least it exists a small possibility...
A Rude Gesture,

Is this music copyrighted in any way? If so ... we can't post it here on the forums, sorry.

I removed the link and hope you understand why. If the music isn't copyrighted, then I'll gladly replace it.

Ah, thanks for the swift correction of my mistake, Narcissus.
As I own the records I didn't actually think about it (I've used them to spice up the game music for years) and so I din't think twice about posting the mod. Obviously you're right...sorry...my bad.
No need to apologize at all.

Everyone makes mistakes ... and mistakes where you are trying to increase people's enjoyment of the game can't be too bad.

No harm done and hope to see you around,

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