a Very annoying bug

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i have a somewhat heavily modified version of native [text file tweaks and a few weapons and formations]

lately ive been trying to take and hold castles by my self [an easily achieved feat in the past] but ive noticed that when the battles start all of the troops, mine and theirs, charge and it essentially ruins the entire battle. if theirs a siege tower 4/5 times it wont get pushed to the wall and the soldiers just clump up around it not really fighting rather just standing and getting shot with a sword swing or two thrown in.

i personally think its formations [had to manually install it{i improvised}] but im not entirely sure

i was just wondering if anyone was having the same problems and if they had fixed it.

oh and i can never complete Ruvar's villager training probably unrelated but i figured i'd share.
at the end of the training fights it only ever says that i had lost.

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