A VERY annoying bug Please help

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i have a somewhat heavily modified version of native [text file tweaks and a few weapons and formations]

lately ive been trying to take and hold castles by my self [an easily achieved feat in the past] but ive noticed that when the battles start all of the troops, mine and theirs, charge and it essentially ruins the entire battle. if theirs a siege tower 4/5 times it wont get pushed to the wall and the soldiers just clump up around it not really fighting rather just standing and getting shot with a sword swing or two thrown in.

i personally think its formations [had to manually install it{i improvised}] but im not entirely sure

i was just wondering if anyone was having the same problems and if they had fixed it.

oh and i can never complete Ruvar's villager training probably unrelated but i figured i'd share.
at the end of the training fights it only ever says that i had lost.

My question to you is... how can anyone here help you? If you modified the Native with a bunch of tweaks not approved by the developers, then adverse things will happen. No one here knows what you installed, and it would be rather difficult to revert to your old Native unless you remembered everything you did (the exact code you changed).

I wouldn't call your problem a bug because it's not the game it's the tweaking. Try contacting the people who came up with the tweaks and see if they have a solution. But what I would do is re-install a completely fresh Native and not do that silly stuff any more. :razz:
Manually editing the txt files is the worst thing you can do (unless the tweaks are relatively simple, like simply changing a digit) But editing a whole line of code or adding lines of code is... not advisable.

You should have used the module system :razz:

If the tweaks are from the '82 tweaks to improve gameplay' thread in the zendar town square section, then theres a good chance the problems have already been spotted by others, so check it out and pm the original author of the tweak.

If you edited the files yourself, with your own tweaks, then i would suggest changing it back to native (hopefully you made a backup, or at least saved the changes you made as a new file in the modules folder). From there, i suggest downloading python, and then installing the module system and editing the files that way. It means if you make mistakes in the code, python gives you an error, you're less likely to come across bugs in the game.

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