A suggestion FAQ

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Well more of a meta suggestion :smile: for the forum admin.

It would be nice to see a suggestion FAQ stickied. In order to avoid making suggestions already made thousand times. Dont want to annoy people with the 200th version of the same idea :wink:.

And maybe some developer notes on ideas that are a) already planned b) will never come in question no matter what.

What's really ironic is that if we had a sticky you already would have seen my suggestion for the same thing.

Please sticky an FAQ armagan!
How would one sticky a FAQ when we don't have the answers to every suggestion? The best thing to do if for people to use the search function, they're asl likely to read a "read this post first" thread than use a search function.
DoomedOne said:
How would one sticky a FAQ when we don't have the answers to every suggestion? The best thing to do if for people to use the search function, they're asl likely to read a "read this post first" thread than use a search function.

Well the developer perhaps might have some answers? Searching alone wont help since there are many ways to describe the same problem.

I personally allways check the faq:s before i proceed with posting a question. Searching is good if you know exactly what you are looking for.

Yeah, we really need a list of past suggestions and Armagan's replies when there are any. I'm getting kind of tired of all the "omg teh online would b teh r0xx0rz!!!111!!" and all the demands for dismemberment and the like.

Someone else do it, though. I already did my part with my guide thingy.
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