K i just done the top most stupid thing ever...
i cough some looters (9) with my army so that i can train my recruits
now i had in this army 20 hired swords man, and about 20 hired horseman
few bare hunters, and hunters (and 9 recruits),
so i cough the looters but when i had the window where i am suppose to tell them to surrender
i clicked that i surrender instead, and that is how i lost my entire army to 9 looters >.<
So my request, add a spacial "are you sure" option when you click "surrender"
or just remove it as no one click it anyways (except me >.<)
i cough some looters (9) with my army so that i can train my recruits
now i had in this army 20 hired swords man, and about 20 hired horseman
few bare hunters, and hunters (and 9 recruits),
so i cough the looters but when i had the window where i am suppose to tell them to surrender
i clicked that i surrender instead, and that is how i lost my entire army to 9 looters >.<
So my request, add a spacial "are you sure" option when you click "surrender"
or just remove it as no one click it anyways (except me >.<)