SP Fantasy A Song of Ice and Fire Mod (moved to MBX)

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Jheral said:
In a way, you're right, but since all named characters are busy elsewhere at the time, we wouldn't really be able to use any of them.  :smile:
Biter, Rorge, Vargo Hoat, Bronn etc.. are all good, since they're mercenaries, and as such, not exactly the most loyal people around.

What I ment was that it's common knowledge that there are plenty of hedge knights in Westernos who are just looking for a lord to align themselves to who would pay for their service. So instead of named characters in the book like Biter, Rorge, or Varge Hoat, we could just make up a few hedge knights.. like Ser Robert Rivers or Ser Desmond Sand or Ser Jon Storm. And if you need characters with high healing skills just make up a Maester, like Maester Walder or Maester Karyl. And you could always just raid the family trees and take younger sons, like Royces were loyal to the Arryns, but one of his sons was fighting for Renly. With this you can have an infinite number of NPCs (something I like, fielding an army of 100 NPCs, kinda puts a face to your soldiers). Personally I like this more than having Biter and Rorge with me, but others might feel different.
shevchenko65 said:
What I ment was that it's common knowledge that there are plenty of hedge knights in Westernos who are just looking for a lord to align themselves to who would pay for their service. So instead of named characters in the book like Biter, Rorge, or Varge Hoat, we could just make up a few hedge knights.. like Ser Robert Rivers or Ser Desmond Sand or Ser Jon Storm. And if you need characters with high healing skills just make up a Maester, like Maester Walder or Maester Karyl. And you could always just raid the family trees and take younger sons, like Royces were loyal to the Arryns, but one of his sons was fighting for Renly. With this you can have an infinite number of NPCs (something I like, fielding an army of 100 NPCs, kinda puts a face to your soldiers). Personally I like this more than having Biter and Rorge with me, but others might feel different.
I really need to stop editing a post after additional posts have been added...

Anyway, I agree with you, new npcs, unrelated to the story of the books, would be much better. I also like the idea of continously (and randomly) generated npcs, since this allows for companions dying and the like. It's also a thing that might be the start of making your own faction, by elevating them to lords (making them independent npcs like the others), but that's not really on topic... :smile: (I've posted about this before in the privy council board)
monsterfurby said:
Just another small thing. I think it would be cool if there was a very seldomly spawning LARGE Wildling party, similar to Mance Rayder's army, which could walk past the wall and rain down destruction on anything beyond. That would pose a challenge to the player.

Also, is it possible to add certain types of messages? For example to illustrate the invasions (White Walkers have been spotted past the Wall.. Indeed, Winter is Coming. ; or: Greyjoy are now dominating the Neck - a thread to men noble and common alike) etc..
Agreed at both points. :smile:
First of all, I need to say you have made a real wonderfull mod (as everybody knows :mrgreen:). I've come back to M&B after a couple of years without playing and I was really amazed when I saw a new mod about SoIaF was made. Really nice, I like a lot the heraldry and the so detailed banners.

I 've  been playing for a while and I've noticed that Ironmen cannot be taken as prisoners. Didn't found a weapon seller in Castle Black, only Noye. Also I have a pack of suggestions that IMHO would be a good add to the mod:

-Robb Stark and most of his Lords should be at Twins/Riverrun as they are supposed to be fighting against Lannisters. Then you could leave seneschals as Rodryck Cassel to garrison the northern castles and towns.

---About the Ironmen:
-Maybe Ironmen captains are a bit overpowered, just a bit, and the number of Greyjoy scouts is huge, that's not an invasion, it's a bloody flood.
-If you put them as a new faction in new versions their main target may be Harrenhal, Riverrun and coastal strongholds as they have no interest in the Ironthrone in the books (before Euron's arrival).
-I know that infantry-only armies tend to suck (that's why this game is called mount&blade :mrgreen:) but following the novels, Ironmen shouldn't have heavy cavalry. It would be balanced as soon as ships were implemented (where ironmen should have a big advantage).

---North, white walkers ant wildlings:
-All of those ideas about spawning others along the south and creating big wildlings raiding parties are good. But then, Starks would be at war with Lannisters, facing the Greyjoys, the Others and the wildlings... I see a lot of smoky villages and no incomes from them.
-Have you thougt about obsidian weapons for the others?

---Dorne and Highgarden:
-Dorne is sopposed to be known for their hit&run tactics, their horsearchers and lancers in light armor. I was surprised when I saw those crossbowman and helms needing 16 strength. Meanwhile, Highgarden in the novels has the heaviest cavalry while Lannisters have the numbers (spending money in sellswords) but Tyrell's knights have 0 Strike power and Lion/Kingswards are the really tankish cavalry.

---A new inn:
-If you are at war against the Lannisters you have a huge hostile territory in front of you. What about creating the another inn? That one that appears again and again in the books. It's located in the crossroad beetween the Kingsroad (connecting KL with Winterfell) and the main road connecting KL with the Rock.

---I'd like more those Targaryien Loyalist if Daenerys was about to come back, but not otherwise.

-Could you take apart the Tully faction from the Starks? They would be part of the same faction but with its own units (instead of northern ones).

--About NPC: if you still want to put some characters of the books, you could put Ser Saadrich and other hedgeknights/adventurers/mercenaries like him that appear one or two times in the books and aren't attached to somebody or a place.

Last but no least, sorry for my hard reading English, I it sucks. :razz: Keep working so good man.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_in_A_Song_of_Ice_and_Fire  As we can see, there are literally too damn many characters  :lol:  Hell, I don't even think that's ALL of them.

Truth is, we need to go through that and just find people who would be alive during the start of the war (Nimble **** Crabb comes to mind, for instance).  We'd have more than enough names to make unique and interesting heroes - to the point where we might have a full army of them!  We'd probably have to add NPC Death at that point.
Each House being a (sub-)faction would indeed be the most realistic way of handling things, as it could allow for a more complex political game, but I (with my admittedly small knowledge of how the game works) suspect that that might be somewhat difficult to make.

Then again, what do I know? :smile:
This mod looks really nice. But I didn´t notice any bandit partys. It would be wuite hard for me to attack the heroes partys with only few untrained followers.
The wildling around Castle Black are like river piretes, small numbers and no armor. Then there are plenty of bandit parties in the North. I don't remember seeing any in the South, but thats because in the book, Dorne and Highgarden were pretty stable and didn't see any warfare. The North is where the action is at.
shevchenko65 said:
Is there a limit on how many factions there can be in a game? Heh, I can see eventually every lord being his own faction.
I think, that could be done, but it will require a really big work on scripting AI, or Westeros will turn to chaos...
Jheral said:
...As I see most of those as relatively minor characters. For the rest:
  • Beric Dondarrion - Is leading the brotherhood without banners. He should be a neutral npc, attacking all factions, imo.
  • Thoros or Myr - Same as Beric.
LOL... Just thought about it... AFAIK, it's possible to make Beric's party really immortal... So it will be killable, but then it will spawn again with the same staff... :smile:

Should I do it? :wink:
Jheral said:
Maybe giving the wildlings a faction of their own? It might be a bit hard for them to survive beyond the Wall, though...
They already have a FACTION, they have no KINGDOM.
And I don't think that they should... Hm... Or it's possible? If expand territory beyond the Wall and make Wall passable...
But then, passing the Wall will automatically make player an enemy of Night's Watch, except of case, when hero have a special permission from Lord-Commander... Hm...

...Well, I think it could be done, but not as early as at v.0.6. :wink:

Jheral said:
By the way, regarding the neck, shouldn't Moat Cailin be a castle, and block access to the north (I seem to recall it being a village, but maybe that was in an earlier version)?
That will be done in 0.5
Dryvus said:
Then I need a texture for his armor - broken, scarred, but with well-visible lighting emblem.
Special face and body texture will be great too, but I can use existing zombie appearance...

I think, it's even possible to make Beric to change appearance (and characteristics?) depending on count of his killings. But I'm not sure that such detalization is really needed. :wink:

I mean - to have a several "Berics" with different appearance and characteristics and spawn one of them depending on counter...
Jheral said:
I also like the idea of continously (and randomly) generated npcs, since this allows for companions dying and the like.
Not sure it's possible at all, because of game engine's limitation...
Nahadiel said:
-Robb Stark and most of his Lords should be at Twins/Riverrun as they are supposed to be fighting against Lannisters. Then you could leave seneschals as Rodryck Cassel to garrison the northern castles and towns.
Well, that could be done... I need to think about it.

Nahadiel said:
---Dorne and Highgarden:
-Dorne is sopposed to be known for their hit&run tactics, their horsearchers and lancers in light armor. I was surprised when I saw those crossbowman and helms needing 16 strength. Meanwhile, Highgarden in the novels has the heaviest cavalry while Lannisters have the numbers (spending money in sellswords) but Tyrell's knights have 0 Strike power and Lion/Kingswards are the really tankish cavalry.
I'm not as good in balancing, as in scripting.
If I'll post here combined tables of all kingdom's troops, could you help me to tweak them?

Nahadiel said:
-Could you take apart the Tully faction from the Starks? They would be part of the same faction but with its own units (instead of northern ones).
I'm thinking about it a quite long time, but still have no final decision...

Nahadiel said:
Last but no least, sorry for my hard reading English, I it sucks. :razz: Keep working so good man.
I'm not a native englishman too, so I'm joining this apology. :smile:
Sparehawk said:
Jheral said:
I also like the idea of continously (and randomly) generated npcs, since this allows for companions dying and the like.
Not sure it's possible at all, because of game engine's limitation...

Oh, I didn't expect it to be. I was just putting the idea out there so more people can consider it, and hopefully agree with it. That is, after all, how new features get into the game, and this is one I'd really love to see in future versions of M&B. :smile:

Sparehawk said:
LOL... Just thought about it... AFAIK, it's possible to make Beric's party really immortal... So it will be killable, but then it will spawn again with the same staff... :smile:

Should I do it? :wink:

I'd say that's a good idea, yes. Is it possible to make him attack caravans/armies etc of the different factions, but not raid villages or attack castles/cities? That would be the best way to represent the BWB in-game, I think.

Sparehawk said:
Nahadiel said:
-Could you take apart the Tully faction from the Starks? They would be part of the same faction but with its own units (instead of northern ones).
I'm thinking about it a quite long time, but still have no final decision...
I can agree with the Tullys being seperated from the Starks, but as they were close allies through the entire war, I think it would be better to keep them as one.
I should be able to handle Beric's armor.  As well, I can make fire-looking blades for both him and Thoros.  You want them red/orange like real fire, or should I have them green like wildfire?

Also, I know -how- to make scratches so they appear in normal maps nicely, but I don't know how to get normal maps to work under the system they use in M&B.
BwB should also leave alone the villagers that travel in those groups of 10 to cities and villages. And I think that it would make sense, that any villagers, recruits and militias that they rescue as prisoners should join them. On the other hand since they are a militia of sorts, they should not be able to have any upgraded soldiers, such as heavy cavarly and the best infantry. And i don't think they took prisoners, they just executed people.
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