A simple question

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1) I heard somewhere that you can get an ivory bow when you join Vaegirs, is that true?
2)  And if it is, what do I have to do get it from them?
3)  And do all factions have something to offer?

Thanks for your help Kosmik :smile:
Spoiler for those who'd rather the surprise  :smile:

I believe when you get your relationship to 50 with any king/queen, they will give you a present. You get the ivory bow (and it's awesome) from Yaroglek, and Ragnar gives you a very nifty long axe. Not sure about the others - Queen Katilus might give you a lance, to suit the Swadian style. I don't think you have to be a vassal to get this but it wouldn't hurt
OMG I thought if I stomped raggy enough he'd just drop that ****in axe :sad: now hes like -70 with me.. FFFFFFUUU

any way to make him love me super quick?
clixer said:
OMG I thought if I stomped raggy enough he'd just drop that ****in axe :sad: now hes like -70 with me.. FFFFFFUUU

any way to make him love me super quick?
Then keep stomping him. He might drop his own axe. Have to see it happen yet, but judging by the itemkinds_1.txt you can't miss it.
As it's named Ragnar's Axe or something similar :razz:

The Axe you get for the +50 relation thing is only the regular Nord Longaxe.

Hm or have they removed the faction leader lootables with the last patch?
kosmik said:
Ok ive got the relation with the vaegir king about 65 what do i have to do now so he would give it to me?

Actually, it's relation with the faction itself, not the king/queen :wink:

I did that mistake myself.
kosmik said:
1) I heard somewhere that you can get an ivory bow when you join Vaegirs, is that true?
2)  And if it is, what do I have to do get it from them?
3)  And do all factions have something to offer?

Thanks for your help Kosmik :smile:

the veagir nobles carry them around.. try killing them ^_^
clixer said:
kosmik said:
1) I heard somewhere that you can get an ivory bow when you join Vaegirs, is that true?
2)  And if it is, what do I have to do get it from them?
3)  And do all factions have something to offer?

Thanks for your help Kosmik :smile:

the veagir nobles carry them around.. try killing them ^_^
Them or the small Ivory Guard Troops.
There are a few ways. Helping any of their armies (lords, caravans, farmers, scouts, whatever) in a battle will increase rep. Also, joining them and winning battles against their enemies will (I think) help. Maybe only if you take over a castle or town, I dunno. There are probably more, but they escape me at the moment.
kosmik said:
Also a Stupid question was helping your lords fight the enemies only way to get your faction love you more?
How come you're around since 2007, yet you don't know how to get your relations up?  :???:

Also what Trollface said.
Wellenbrecher said:
clixer said:
OMG I thought if I stomped raggy enough he'd just drop that ****in axe :sad: now hes like -70 with me.. FFFFFFUUU

any way to make him love me super quick?
Then keep stomping him. He might drop his own axe. Have to see it happen yet, but judging by the itemkinds_1.txt you can't miss it.
As it's named Ragnar's Axe or something similar :razz:

The Axe you get for the +50 relation thing is only the regular Nord Longaxe.

Hm or have they removed the faction leader lootables with the last patch?

I love than damn axe. It's the only weapon I use these days. I'm going to use it on Ragnar if I ver get round to sieging Sargoth.  :roll:
Pellagus said:
Wellenbrecher said:
clixer said:
OMG I thought if I stomped raggy enough he'd just drop that ****in axe :sad: now hes like -70 with me.. FFFFFFUUU

any way to make him love me super quick?
Then keep stomping him. He might drop his own axe. Have to see it happen yet, but judging by the itemkinds_1.txt you can't miss it.
As it's named Ragnar's Axe or something similar :razz:

The Axe you get for the +50 relation thing is only the regular Nord Longaxe.

Hm or have they removed the faction leader lootables with the last patch?

I love than damn axe. It's the only weapon I use these days. I'm going to use it on Ragnar if I ver get round to sieging Sargoth.  :roll:
I take it the feature is still there then? Up and away.. let's beat up the fricking Queen!  :mrgreen:
well i have 9+3 at looting
and evryy fight with the vegirs king i get an ivory bow
if you want i can uploud you export of my chrater
yes i know that
i ment to export my charater
then all he needs to do is fight with high prince yaroglek of kudan
and he'll get the ivory bow
or some one else with enough ivory archer
well here is the skills

of course you can change his name and face later
and 103000 money he has
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