[P]aradox said:
Well, everything except perhaps humility? *big grin*
This thread is getting dangerously off course...
Dehgan: What kind of things do you want to do? There are the python files which can be used for MANY things, including changing behaviors and parties and much more.
If you want to make new maps with different terrain and towns there is Thorgrims map editor.
If you want to use a lot of the existing stuff and make new and different versions of stuff - like change stats and such - plus a whole lot more - there is Effidian's Mount&Blade Editor - which can do most of the stuff that you can do in Python and a bunch more (IIRC) because it can work on the native files that have not been included in the Modular system yet.
If you want to create amazing new graphics for weapons or shields or whatever - and such - there are tools that can be used to make those available in the game - depending on the complexity of what you want to do.
There is a great deal you can do - have fun checking it all out. Use the Forum - there are two whole sections on modding ...
You best friend is the search button along with an appreciative and friendly attitude!!!
It can be daunting at first to try and sort through all the stuff - but nearly all the people here are really great and more than willing to help you out if you are polite and appreciative
(and do leg work yourself, nobody is going to want to do your scut work for you - if you are too lazy to figure out how to do something yourself - don't ask someone else to do it for you)
Research first, chances are the answer is already here on the boards.
Then when you ask a question, it is usually a good idea to ask folks to point you to the thread where it is documented if your question has already been answered (this is important: if they do, READ IT!)
Ask folks for an example, then you can see how things work and figure out how to use it to do what you want..
So there ya go, what do you want to do? Have fun (and welcome to the forums).