I can add a few more
They were planning to add random item trading bans by some factions so that you could smuggle those items and sell with great profit with taking risk of impacting your "criminal rating" (Yes criminal rating, that thing which doesn't do anything in the game)
<string id="str_add_contraband_news" text="{=!}Trading of {ITEM} is forbidden {FACTION_NAME_1}." />
About tournaments, I can give more insight.
- They were planning to have horse racing in the city. You can still find traces of that in the code.
- They were also planning to add jousting - like in medieval times where you do couched lancing to each other from the opposite direction.
- They were planning to add archery competition where you have to shoot terracotta pots with other competitors. First one that finishes gets the score and so on.
They were planning to add sneaking missions - where you use grapple hooks to infiltrate compounds.
InformationManager.AddQuickInformation(new TextObject("{=!}TODO You have not any grappling hook!",...
Camping. Yeah, just camping. They were planning to have camping option like we had in Warband.
By the way, all these can still be added. But based on their "priority" statement - it is very unlikely. Some of them are probably WIP but things like tournaments are tested and removed from the game. Such things have very low possibility to readded into the game.