A question from a noob

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Hi I just started playing prophesy of pendor and it is a very fun mod.  I'm just curious as to how you start your own kingdom in it.  Can someone please enlighten me?
Take a city or castle.  Declare yourself king.  Its not difficult to DO, but rather harder to maintain...  :twisted:

darkstanley said:
Hi I just started playing prophesy of pendor and it is a very fun mod.  I'm just curious as to how you start your own kingdom in it.  Can someone please enlighten me?
You need to build up a reasonable sized  army and attempt to take over one of the smaller castles.
A large force of archers is neccicary to clean the walls.

If you're having trouble, try working for some of the Ravenstern lords, Ravenstern have the best archers, and if you get your relation up you will get more recruits from them.

Make sure you keep your morale and reknown high so you can have a large party. Also charisma is a vital skill if you want to be a king.

Other then that, it's all about strategy. If you want to be crafty, you can follow allied armies around, and use them as distractions while you seige a castle.

Oh, one more thing, make sure you or one of your companions have a high engineering skill. That way you can capture castles quickly, without having to spend days waiting out front. You'll find that if you wait outside for too long, you'll get kicked in the rear by the castle lord's friends.
Thank you for letting me know.  Im also curious, how many men do you think I will need to capture a castle and will I be able to smooth over relations with whatever faction I take it from with denars?
darkstanley said:
Thank you for letting me know.  Im also curious, how many men do you think I will need to capture a castle and will I be able to smooth over relations with whatever faction I take it from with denars?
Well, if you take a castle from somebody, chances are he will declare war on you.
The hard part is not taking the castle, it's defending it.

The number of troops you need depends on the enemy, and the levels of your troops. Even with an army of 500 pesants, you won't get anywhere far.
The first thing the enemy will do (if he´s not currently engaged elsewhere) is the King or Marshal will grab a good deal of fellow Lords and trying to retake your Castle. We´re talking about 1-1,5k head strong warparties.

Much fun fending them off. I´ve cursed like hell betatesting and playing Ravenstern against Fierdsvain. It was like Fend-Off-The-King-and-1500-Fella´s, next day Fend-Off-The-Marshall-And-His-1500-Chaps, third day nothing, first day rinse repeat.
Man I had a fun time with this tonight.

First, I acquired about 10 Noldors by getting them into a fight with someone else, then killing all those other chaps. Then I waited for the Empire to take Whitestag Castle from Sarleon, and with the helm of my Noldor I cleaned out their small new garrison. It was a treat. The Kingdom of the Whitestag Rebellion was born. (Sadly the castle's stuff was so badly damaged, I never get any money from it.)

Then I sued for peace with everyone I had pissed off, and I've been goofing around killing folks ever since.

Edit: I had to resort to some gimcrackery once a combined army of 200 tried taking the castle back. I made them chase me for a while as I waited for a response vis-a-vis my peace treaty. Helped that they were at war with Sarleon and found a tempting morsal who couldn't run circles around them all day.
I know you can have your own kingdom...
But when I went and captured my first castle, it named me the Fierdsvain Rebels. That seems a little off to me.
Maeglin Dubh said:
I know you can have your own kingdom...
But when I went and captured my first castle, it named me the Fierdsvain Rebels. That seems a little off to me.

That is the native code making the assumption that you are a "rebel", which without a formal declaration.. you are.  :smile:

Just another robber baron parking troops in a castle with no legal rights to it. ~S
An unholy and evil abomination upon the Realm of Pendor and thus to be smitten with fire, flame and sword by everyone rightous and lawful!
The trick, as I was little upset after taking my first castle and seeing 'Empire Rebels' above it, is to enter the hall and tell the steward you want to declare yourself kingly and eshew the robber status.
One thing, before you do this joining a faction can have benefits instead of riding about independent and amassing armies this way. Mainly that - building up relations with lords is a hell of a lot easier joining big fights/ questing etc. when you are their factional chum... Plus, they will help siege when you get enough renown to order em about (although this can be more stress than joy to pull off) and you get free troops garrisoning it if it's the same as .21.
I cleverly went solo and now have a long, long road ahead of me to get some friends... especially since I didn't read stuff first and took a hell of a lot of prisoners...
saxondragon said:
Maeglin Dubh said:
I know you can have your own kingdom...
But when I went and captured my first castle, it named me the Fierdsvain Rebels. That seems a little off to me.

That is the native code making the assumption that you are a "rebel", which without a formal declaration.. you are.  :smile:

Just another robber baron parking troops in a castle with no legal rights to it. ~S
That's what I thought, but I talked to my steward and got no option.

I'll try again.
Ok so I have a level twenty guy with about 60 troops, most of which are pretty low tier and two knights.  I've been waiting awhile to take a castle and it seems like their garrisons have increased.  Is it to late for me to try to make my own kingdom by taking a castle? Should I just join some faction and wait until I get a better oppurtunity to declare my kingdom?
Depends on how heavily the AI is warring each other in your game. If they are taking a lot of Castles there may be an easy chance again soon - if not, stay patient and join a facition. And if you´re at level 20 and got 2 Knights only and the rest cannon fodder I suggest you work on your surgery and wound treatment and increase the top tiers in your smallish army.
The first time you talk to a steward, he only says "talk to me when you're ready." Talk to him again and you should have the other dialog options. I don't know why it's set up that way but it is.

Maeglin Dubh said:
saxondragon said:
Maeglin Dubh said:
I know you can have your own kingdom...
But when I went and captured my first castle, it named me the Fierdsvain Rebels. That seems a little off to me.

That is the native code making the assumption that you are a "rebel", which without a formal declaration.. you are.  :smile:

Just another robber baron parking troops in a castle with no legal rights to it. ~S
That's what I thought, but I talked to my steward and got no option.

I'll try again.
Alan Q Smithee said:
The first time you talk to a steward, he only says "talk to me when you're ready." Talk to him again and you should have the other dialog options. I don't know why it's set up that way but it is.

Maeglin Dubh said:
saxondragon said:
Maeglin Dubh said:
I know you can have your own kingdom...
But when I went and captured my first castle, it named me the Fierdsvain Rebels. That seems a little off to me.

That is the native code making the assumption that you are a "rebel", which without a formal declaration.. you are.  :smile:

Just another robber baron parking troops in a castle with no legal rights to it. ~S
That's what I thought, but I talked to my steward and got no option.

I'll try again.
Yeah, I managed to find that out.
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