a question for an army

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Question 1:
Depends purely on the enemy I'd say. And why would you that?  :neutral:

"Question" 2:
Eventually you'll find an army that not only suits your playing style but is also able to defeat one of the minor* DK Lords. Isn't it way more fun to find things on yourself? That's what games are all about I'd say. Or at least should be about.

*well, as minor as they get. Try to get them after a siege battle, alone and ->not<- the Lady

Edit: I really need to start playing again. Or going out to get drunk for that matter. All work no play makes me dull boy :/
Edit II: And it makes my spelling even worse
Chris119119 said:
do u think a whole army of skalds could make me win alot  of battles also


Skalds seem to get flattened whenever I use them, but I suppose if you had a hundred or so....

I defeated the Dark Knights with the sword of truth and the might of right on my side!! Also lots of Cavaliers, Arbalestiers and Lady Knights helped. They did not die in vain.
Pellagus said:
Chris119119 said:
do u think a whole army of skalds could make me win alot  of battles also


Skalds seem to get flattened whenever I use them, but I suppose if you had a hundred or so....

I defeated the Dark Knights with the sword of truth and the might of right on my side!! Also lots of Cavaliers, Arbalestiers and Lady Knights helped. They did not die in vain.

sword of truth?
The Mercenary said:
They were referencing South Park/Looking For Group.

I thought I knew all Southpark Episodes... Looking for Group I cannot recall nor find on the internet?

Are you talking about "Make Love, not Warcraft?"
steppe lords help a lot...
khergits help a lot...
an army full of mounted archers helps a lot...
heavy armour helps ...
clever horse archer tactics... you shoot them in the back while your army of archers dismounts them then whipes them out in a charge...
Do not use ivory archers.. they suck. Low armour.
do not use skalds... same reason...
elite arbalestiers are good...
mounted swadian archers are ok...
khergits rule...

Maegfaer said:
The Mercenary said:
They were referencing South Park/Looking For Group.

I thought I knew all Southpark Episodes... Looking for Group I cannot recall nor find on the internet?

Are you talking about "Make Love, not Warcraft?"
Looking for Group is a webcomic. Made be the same guys who produce the sweetness that is Least I could do.
A good one and it's not about Warcraft, whatever you might think at first glance  :razz:
It references World of Warcraft heavily, as well as Dungeons&Dragons, and drags many characters from other worlds into it (Sam Gamgee and Frodo Baggins come to mind). Of course, those characters dragged in are killed as soon as they appear.
The Mercenary said:
It references World of Warcraft heavily, as well as Dungeons&Dragons, and drags many characters from other worlds into it (Sam Gamgee and Frodo Baggins come to mind). Of course, those characters dragged in are killed as soon as they appear.
Sure. And all the little references are another reason I like it.
When I first heard about it, it were some inane ramblings about some stupid ******* mocking WOW. The thought of someone giving those fanboys a fit was so appealing that I checked it out only to find that it's inspired by but not really about WOW.
Maegfaer said:
The Mercenary said:
They were referencing South Park/Looking For Group.

I thought I knew all Southpark Episodes... Looking for Group I cannot recall nor find on the internet?

Are you talking about "Make Love, not Warcraft?"

yep i was talking about that
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