A question about blood effect

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Lord Samuel

Sergeant Knight
Hey guys

Some weeks ago, I found a nice txt tweak to improve (i.e increase) the gore effect in battle.

Since then, I get these awesome and very picturesque bloody kills:

Now, someone asked me about the screenshot...

My problem is that I forgot what tweak it was, and I can't find my source anymore.
Someone was giving advice on how to get a better blood effect
Could'nt find it back in the MageLord thread, so I figured I saw it here...?

Anyone knows where this thread is?

Anyway, I compared my Native files to my Modified files in NE. Changes are noticeable.

In your opinion, does this suffice to do the trick, as pictured above?

psys_game_blood 12800 prt_mesh_blood_1  500 0.650000 3.000000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000 
0.000000 0.700000   0.700000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000   1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000   1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000   1.000000 0.700000
0.000000 0.015000   1.000000 0.018000
0.000000 0.050000 0.000000   0.000000 1.000000 0.300000   0.900000 
0.000000 0.000000 
psys_game_blood_2 12800 prt_mesh_blood_3  2000 0.600000 3.000000 0.300000 0.000000 0.000000 
0.000000 0.250000   0.700000 0.100000
0.100000 0.700000   1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000   1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000   1.000000 0.700000
0.000000 0.150000   1.000000 0.350000
0.010000 0.200000 0.010000   0.200000 0.300000 0.000000   0.300000 
150.000000 0.000000

psys_game_blood 12800 prt_mesh_blood_3  500 0.650000 3.500000 0.600000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.700000   0.700000 0.700000
0.100000 0.200000   1.000000 0.200000
0.100000 0.200000   1.000000 0.200000
0.100000 0.200000   1.000000 0.200000
0.000000 0.015000   0.500000 0.300000
0.000000 0.050000 0.000000   0.000000 1.500000 0.400000   0.900000
120.000000 0.000000
psys_game_blood_2 12800 prt_mesh_blood_3  2000 0.600000 3.500000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.250000   0.700000 0.100000
0.100000 0.200000   1.000000 0.200000
0.100000 0.200000   1.000000 0.200000
0.100000 0.200000   1.000000 0.200000
0.000000 0.150000   0.500000 0.450000
0.010000 0.200000 0.010000   1.400000 1.400000 0.200000   0.300000
150.000000 0.000000

Oh, and "blood_multiplier = 2.0" in both module.INI files.

Thanks to you for taking the time to read this.
Lord Samuel said:
psys_game_blood 12800 prt_mesh_blood_1  500 0.650000 3.000000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.700000  0.700000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.000000 0.015000  1.000000 0.018000
0.000000 0.050000 0.000000  0.000000 1.000000 0.300000  0.900000
0.000000 0.000000
psys_game_blood_2 12800 prt_mesh_blood_3  2000 0.600000 3.000000 0.300000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.250000  0.700000 0.100000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.000000 0.150000  1.000000 0.350000
0.010000 0.200000 0.010000  0.200000 0.300000 0.000000  0.300000
150.000000 0.000000
With the text editing system

If I got this right is it the two red colored numbers that defines the size of the blood... SO o messing with those would give the effect of more blood [EDIT: sry. I was wrong they define the number of particles. So they will give the effect more thickness I think. Which is inportant if you want a big blood splash]. And also the blood_multiplier caps at 10.0

Here are two examples that Ruthven made enjoy.
psys_game_blood 12800 prt_mesh_blood_1  5000 0.400000 3.000000 0.200000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.700000  0.700000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.000000 0.015000  1.000000 0.018000
0.000000 0.050000 0.000000  0.000000 1.000000 0.300000  0.900000
0.000000 0.000000
psys_game_blood_2 12800 prt_mesh_blood_3  10000 0.600000 3.000000 0.200000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.250000  0.700000 0.100000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.000000 0.150000  1.000000 0.350000
0.010000 0.200000 0.010000  0.200000 0.300000 0.000000  0.300000
150.000000 0.000000

psys_game_blood 12800 prt_mesh_blood_1  99999 0.700000 3.000000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.700000  0.700000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.000000 0.015000  1.000000 0.018000
0.000000 0.050000 0.000000  0.000000 1.000000 0.300000  0.900000
0.000000 0.000000
psys_game_blood_2 12800 prt_mesh_blood_3  999999 1.000000 3.000000 0.300000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.250000  0.700000 0.100000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.100000 0.700000  1.000000 0.700000
0.000000 0.150000  1.000000 0.350000
0.010000 0.200000 0.010000  0.200000 0.300000 0.000000  0.300000
150.000000 0.000000

With the module system

Then if you use the module system. Do I think that this one is even more bloody
##    ("game_blood", psf_billboard_3d|psf_randomize_size|psf_randomize_rotation, "prtcl_dust_a",
##     5000, 0.65, 0.95, 1.0, 10.0, 0.0,     #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
##     (0.3, 0.3), (1, 0.2),        #alpha keys
##     (1.0, 0.4), (1, 0.05),      #red keys
##     (1.0, 0.05),(1, 0.05),      #green keys
##     (1.0, 0.05),(1, 0.05),      #blue keys
##     (0.3, 0.5),   (1.0, 2.5),   #scale keys
##     (0.04, 0.01, 0.01),           #emit box size
##     (0, 1, 0.0),               #emit velocity
##     0.05,                       #emit dir randomness
##     0,                       #rotation speed
##     0.5                        #rotation damping
##    ),
    ("game_blood", psf_billboard_3d |psf_randomize_size|psf_randomize_rotation,  "prt_mesh_blood_1",
     9999, 1.65, 3, 0.5, 0, 0,        #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
     (0.0, 0.7), (0.7, 0.7),          #alpha keys
     (0.1, 0.7), (1, 0.7),      #red keys
     (0.1, 0.7), (1, 0.7),       #green keys
     (0.1, 0.7), (1, 0.7),      #blue keys
     (0.0, 0.15),   (1, 0.18),  #scale keys
     (0, 0.05, 0),               #emit box size
     (0, 1.0, 0.3),                #emit velocity
     0.9,                       #emit dir randomness
     0,                         #rotation speed
     0,                         #rotation damping
    ("game_blood_2", psf_billboard_3d | psf_randomize_size|psf_randomize_rotation ,  "prt_mesh_blood_3",
     9999, 2.0, 3, 0.7, 0, 0,        #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
     (0.0, 0.25), (0.7, 0.1),        #alpha keys
     (0.1, 0.7), (1, 0.7),      #red keys
     (0.1, 0.7), (1, 0.7),       #green keys
     (0.1, 0.7), (1, 0.7),      #blue keys
     (0.0, 0.45),   (3, 0.75),    #scale keys
     (0.01, 0.2, 0.01),             #emit box size
     (0.7, 1.3, 0),                 #emit velocity
     0.3,                         #emit dir randomness
     150,                       #rotation speed
     0,                       #rotation damping
SirNight33 said:
Hey, Im actually looking for the same particle_system config and cant find it anyone know what mod it was? :evil:
What are you talking about? Do you mean where are the particles defined in the module system/text files?
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