You're in the thick of battle,fighting with your Swadian brethren against the Khergit scum. It is a battle for the ages and would determine the outcome of your kingdom, your liege and probably the future of Calradia. King Harlau the Fat has just ordered us to charge directly into the Khergits, Sanjar Khan has foolishly ordered the same even though our Knights will impale their lancers more easily. The charge has ended and we are now fighting with our swords, stab right!Swing left!Parry, Block and Stab!You see the king and advance towards him and you prepare the overhead strike that end the war forever and you get an itch on you nose but that doesn't matter so you.....FREEZE!!!The whole world stops moving and in the centre of your vision you see a single word. Paused
You then proceed to scratch your nose and press P to resume. I hope this has enlightened you.