A pat on the back, then a cheap trick

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Hey guys!  Long time listener, first time caller.  I just have to say this game is ridiculously addictive.  You all have done something pretty amazing here.  On my computer right now I have Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2 and Empire: Total War.... but I am not playing those till I beat PoP.  You guys have created a game that is just as entertaining, if not more so, then some major games out there.  Huzzah and kudos.
That was the pat on the back

Now for the cheap trick.

I hate that guys don't spawn in castles I own.  My little empire is sandwiched betwixt Fierdsvain and Ravenstern.  I have 3 castles and 2 lords.  I drool every time I pass by my Lords castles as they are full of pendor bowman close to becoming grey archers and then Silvermist killing machines.  Yet my castle never spawns any  :sad:    So, I conquered a new castle and gifted it to one of my lords and took his old castle!  Cheap trick!  But, I now have 15 more silvermist killing machines and many more on the way.

Does this make me a bad person, or a crafty ruler? 

I just consider it as me setting out a levy of troops.  :smile: 

Just thought I would share the tip for any other strugglers out there.


p.s. sorry if this is in the wrong section.... please don't hurt me misguided!      :*(

Methinks the Lousy Ol´Modratter has a break.

Nice move, taking away the castle. Just hope you did trade one with little to no improvements for one with the more benefitting installed...
Yeah, I already made that mistake.  I got my second castle and got my first lord, so I gave him the second castle... after I build a knighthood order there.  d'oh!  So, 2 castles later, I gave him the new one and I took back the one with the Order.  I missed my Griffon knights!  Now I need to get more lords.  Tricky business, that.  All the ones that don't like me attack me, but the friendly ones are staying away.  wah wah waaahhh.

I freaking love that I am starting my own empire.  I love this game.  I love this mod.  I love YOU saxondragon (In a purely platonic, I-am-glad-you-made-this-mod-as-it-is-fun-and-enjoyable-and-well-done-and-executed-well kind of way).

p.s.  Anybody know an easy way to get 50 Noldor knights so I can take over Ravenstern??  No?  *sigh*  ...well dang....
p.s.  Anybody know an easy way to get 50 Noldor knights so I can take over Ravenstern??  No?  *sigh*  ...well dang....

  ... just in case you didn't know, the 'young nobles' (foreighn, western, southern ect) that you can hire in taverns, ... they can upgrade to Pendor Knights. It's not exactly 'easy' but it's a tiny bit quicker than training them up from a recruit.

  A question; this castle that you took back and gifted to yourself, ... does it actually spawn troops like your other lords castles, or are you just saying that when you took it back you aquired the garrison too? It's always an annoyance for me that when you want to keep a castle for yourself ... it doesn't give you any troops!
Ok, I will try and say it in a way that is not confusing (for you an me :p)

I have castle A, castle B, and castle C, here after referred to as A, B, and C.  I personally own A, and gifted B and C to my two lords.  They had them for a long time and had gathered/spawned a ton of good troops (15 grey archers, 20 man at arms, etc).  Then, I took over castle D.  I did not have enough troops to garrison it so I gifted D to the lord who owned B.  I took back B....

And it was full of sooo many good troops.  over 200 troops in it.  So, that is nice.  It helped me gain tons of grey archers and then silvermist rangers.  I can't wait to take over another castle so I can do this again.    :grin:

Pendor knights?  naaahh.... I want NOLDOR knights!  Ton's of them!  Have enough to ride at the head of a massive horde of all conquering elves! 

cause i reeeaaallllly want a city.  money plz!

And it was full of sooo many good troops.  over 200 troops in it.  So, that is nice.  It helped me gain tons of grey archers and then silvermist rangers.  I can't wait to take over another castle so I can do this again.

  Yes thats very nice! ... and i understand now :wink:

Pendor knights?  naaahh.... I want NOLDOR knights!  Ton's of them!

  Ahh! Sorry my mistake. I must get down to spec-savers!
Sir William Kelland said:
p.s.  Anybody know an easy way to get 50 Noldor knights so I can take over Ravenstern??  No?  *sigh*  ...well dang....

  ... just in case you didn't know, the 'young nobles' (foreighn, western, southern ect) that you can hire in taverns, ... they can upgrade to Pendor Knights. It's not exactly 'easy' but it's a tiny bit quicker than training them up from a recruit.

OR... you can go the extra mile and upgrade them into Hero Adventurers, which are basically level 60 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It takes a while longer to train them, but during their Young/Rogue Squire/Adventurer phases they actually can fight, unlike Pendor Squires, those guys suck and die waaay too much.
Chryo said:
Sir William Kelland said:
p.s.  Anybody know an easy way to get 50 Noldor knights so I can take over Ravenstern??  No?  *sigh*  ...well dang....

  ... just in case you didn't know, the 'young nobles' (foreighn, western, southern ect) that you can hire in taverns, ... they can upgrade to Pendor Knights. It's not exactly 'easy' but it's a tiny bit quicker than training them up from a recruit.

OR... you can go the extra mile and upgrade them into Hero Adventurers, which are basically level 60 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It takes a while longer to train them, but during their Young/Rogue Squire/Adventurer phases they actually can fight, unlike Pendor Squires, those guys suck and die waaay too much.

Yeah, but the gear they were is such a mish-mosh, it looks like mercs were all you could hire, instead of having a unifying them in your troops.
webspinnre said:
Yeah, but the gear they were is such a mish-mosh, it looks like mercs were all you could hire, instead of having a unifying them in your troops.

Yep... designed intentionally to portray those heroic player characters we all used to play back in the day of pen and paper RPG's...  Six different character from varying background and orientations, meet under auspicious circumstances of dubious intent to perform deeds of an impossible nature....and they like it! :smile: 

Chryo said:
OR...Hero Adventurers, which are basically level 60 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Pretty much spot on.  :smile: 

webspinnre said:
Yeah, but the gear they were is such a mish-mosh, it looks like mercs were all you could hire, instead of having a unifying them in your troops.
Pendor Knights' gear varies from unit to unit too, to a lesser extent.

Anyway, it's up to the individual, I personally like the idea of running an adventuring company over a regular and organized army.
Oh man, HA and regular Adventurers were the backbone of my first 70 heads strong assault team on a Fierdsvain Castle and my starting help for founding a Kingdom of Pendor. Having 20 of each is awesome. They pack quite a punch. Evil. Expensive. Totally worth it.
I really want to get Hero Adventurers but they are trouble fitting into my troop slots and still allowing me enough room to upgrade lower level troops.  Sadly, many have fallen afore reaching the hallowed  heights of Mt. Hero.

That, and I don't have just one type, i got southern norther, etc etc.  and small numbers of them.  Which is why I ditched them when Fierdsvain attacked me with a stack of 1000 troops and the King of Ravenstern attacked me at the same time.

It is time to raise the Grande Armee of Stoutheart Castle.  Come ye Valkryies, and ye Immortals, and bring forth the Knights of so many splendid colours.  Oh yeah, you Silvermist Rangers, sharpen those arrow points as there be killing to do.

I can't wait to ride forth at the head of this Elite army and do battle with an enemy 10 times my size. 


p.s.  Have I mentioned this game rocks?  I mean, seriously... I could just let the Fierdsvain take the castle, disperse and then take it back later.  But nooo... for some reason I cannot let a single inch of Pendorian territory be lost.  I cannot let those poor peasants fall under the sway of those foul kings again..  That is how into this game I am.  Darn you Saxondragon. 
they actually can fight, unlike Pendor Squires, those guys suck and die waaay too much.

Seriously the Pendor Squires wear cloth and wield daggers... from horseback? they can't even hit people half the time because the horse is too large... and sadly it's the only way to get Pendor Knights on foot (given that I prefer Heavy Infantry to mounted troops)... perhaps a rework for next edition to either improve the pendor squire line's arms or put pendor knights on foot in a different place in the troop tree?
Not really. They were DESIGNED to slow down the flood of Knights you´d otherwise produce and should reflect the hardships of training it took to finally approach Knighthood status.

Once you got your team rolling, trainer skill is your friend and you´ll pump out Knights like there´s no tomorrow. Just hire Young Nobles of the various factions out of taverns and train them up to Pendor Knights - if you despise the almighty Hero Adventerers :razz: They´re the sole reason I start to like Horse Archers :razz:
Saxondragon, I would go one step further:  all future patches should make the game more unstable and less playable, as a service to our lives and our families.  Thank you and good day.

As for the pendor squires.  Treat them just like squires.  "hey kids, stay back here and watch the battle and see how we avoid dying."
Just keep them at the bottom of the queue and let your training skills go to work.
It's like this, I don't use cavalry, except my companions... so even at the bottom of the list I'll get a squire or two in a battle, they will charge with my heros and despite my 10 surgery they die, somehow they die, always. I'm not trying to train Pendor knights, I want Pendor Knights on Foot so it seems bass ackwards to me that I have to use the most pathetic cavalry in the game to train the best Pendor foot unit ya know? It's like i go to recruit at a village, it's been infested with battles  :roll: thats 4 dead squires, always, oh well  :shock: omg only 2 died, somehow 1 was only wounded... thats the general squire experience.
Since this has become a Squire rant thread, I'm gonna say a few words.

I hate those guys, and yeah, like OCelerid said, they DIE all the time, they suck, their weapons suck, their armor sucks, their bodies are made of suck too, that's why surgery doesn't work on them.

This concludes this short rant.

PS: I still think they shouldn't be buffed, they are trainees after all.
I'm not really in favor of buffing them either, but I would like Knight on Foot moved to maybe the swordsman line instead of the squire line? or if they are gonna be buffed don't change their stats just take away their knives, nothing so pathetic as watching a horseman keep swinging at a footman it can't hit because it's weapon is too short... *facepalm*

oh and sorry about the offtopic, haha!
  In most battles i usually have a bunch of trainees fallen back at the rear of battle with a few tougher trainees ( some melee and archers) and they usually manage to fend for themselves if i tell them to 'hold position' with few losses ... and this also means i have an incentive to REALLY fight ... for 'their' lives.

  Otherwise if i have a fair ammout of archers i'll bring my trainess into battle and shield them behind my archer line where i usually keep some heavy infantry anyway.
  As long as i don't send squires into battle against those who will surely kill them they're usually ok.

  I just have to do the best with the troops and commands i have available, but having a good line of archers is where you can position your weaker troops. Although i tend to rely mainly on heavy cavalry and knights to my fighting so i guess i can do that.
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