A new vid...

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Tomorrow i will probally make a video b/c my mom won't be home *I dont like her always wondering what im doing*

It will be Age of Gunpowder...

I can't find the poll icon so here are y' all choices...

  • me sieging castle
  • fighting USA or brits 
Polcherrr said:
Tomorrow i will probally make a video b/c my mom won't be home *I dont like her always wondering what im doing*

It will be Age of Gunpowder...

I can't find the poll icon so here are y' all choices...

  • me sieging castle
  • fighting USA or brits 

I cant wait!!!  :wink:
Sorry Polcherr, but you should have posted this in the "video's" thread here.  this thread doesn't really have any content. and to make a poll just go by the board and select "make poll" instead of "make thread". i don't know any other way to insert it.

I vote for siege!
If your parents have to wonder what you are doing while using screen recording software, something is just messed up there. 
its not my computer so i always have to hide the stuff though she left her admin account so i just quickly got on and changed my account which is a guest to admin lol
Polcherrr said:
its not my computer so i always have to hide the stuff though she left her admin account so i just quickly got on and changed my account which is a guest to admin lol
Get your own admin accout...

Windows key + R  :arrow: Enter cmd  :arrow: Enter net localgroup Administrators YourAccountName /add
R.I.P. A new vid... thread.................
Seriously guys, you killed it.
Lord Burgess1 said:
yes no one cares

AA0 said:
If your parents have to wonder what you are doing while using screen recording software, something is just messed up there. 

You might aswell have not posted these useless comments.

RalliX said:
R.I.P. A new vid... thread.................
Seriously guys, you killed it.

Oh. My. GOD!  :shock:
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