A new challenge.........

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Try to take on the dark knights in the very begining. set invasion time to start the invasion now and try the begining to level 30 with hose dark knights conqering all of calradia. i tried this about a million times (joke) and have only got to level 30 wihout losing to them once. If you do get captured by them before level 30 ou lose  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Not that hard. Take a small party, max scouting and pathfinding, run from them when you see them, and kill bandits or do quests.
It's good to leave it 'til day 200 or even later.  Calradia is usually a mess by day 200; badly garrisoned castles and factions spread all over the shop. I suppose you could even pick the perfect time for an invasion, possibly let them take a few cities then see how they get on.

Merc, would it be possible to have a faction that spawns low tier troops, but super fast? It seems to problem with the DKs is they're a great challenge but they lose out in the autocalc battles,beacuse weight of numbers kills them off. If there was a faction that spawned loads of recruits, they'd knock out the lords in autocalc battles, then the DKs would be free to take over.

I'm guessing there's some reason why this isn't possible.  :lol:
No, it's manageable, IIRC. The only problem would be those recruits would be utterly gangbanged, hard, by 20 heavy knights.
The autocalc could be tweaked, like in Arch3r's code here where certain troops with certain items equipped gain an advantage. Terrain advantage is also included for certain troops.


I'd suggest any troops wearing black armor have 4-5 times weight in autocalc, that oughta "even" things up  :twisted:
amade said:
Lies. Autocalc has never been exciting!

At least it would prevent armies of hastily-trained peasants to take over DK strongholds.

Autocalc IS important. Not Player's autocalc, I'd agree with you on that -but Lords' Autocalc.

Sorry if this sounds noobish, but do you think there is a way to force certain Lords to train more Elite units?
Like Arngrim of the Berserkers training mostly/only, well... Berserkers?

Add 'Terrain Advantage Mod' + Arch3r's + Improved Recruitment for Lords, and you'd get a fairly balanced Autocalc, don't you think?
Lord Samuel said:
amade said:
Lies. Autocalc has never been exciting!

At least it would prevent armies of hastily-trained peasants to take over DK strongholds.

Autocalc IS important. Not Player's autocalc, I'd agree with you on that -but Lords' Autocalc.

Sorry if this sounds noobish, but do you think there is a way to force certain Lords to train more Elite units?
Like Arngrim of the Berserkers training mostly/only, well... Berserkers?

Add 'Terrain Advantage Mod' + Arch3r's + Improved Recruitment for Lords, and you'd get a fairly balanced Autocalc, don't you think?

This just came up over in the forge actually: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,69796.0.html
Read up on Arch3r's post somewhere down along the thread.
amade said:
The autocalc could be tweaked, like in Arch3r's code here where certain troops with certain items equipped gain an advantage. Terrain advantage is also included for certain troops.


I'd suggest any troops wearing black armor have 4-5 times weight in autocalc, that oughta "even" things up  :twisted:

That's a great idea! You guys have probably seen this already but I came across this yesterday and thought the discussion was interesting - kt0's discussion on Improving the Auto Resolve System


Also, while I'm at it, something very interesting on AI Lord behaviour (it gets good at reply#10 by Twan):


Josef_the_Pretender said:
amade said:
The autocalc could be tweaked, like in Arch3r's code here where certain troops with certain items equipped gain an advantage. Terrain advantage is also included for certain troops.


I'd suggest any troops wearing black armor have 4-5 times weight in autocalc, that oughta "even" things up  :twisted:

That's a great idea! You guys have probably seen this already but I came across this yesterday and thought the discussion was interesting - kt0's discussion on Improving the Auto Resolve System


Also, while I'm at it, something very interesting on AI Lord behaviour (it gets good at reply#10 by Twan):


Nice find on the lords' behavior. That'll come in handy even if we can't/don't know how to improve it a bit.
amade said:
The autocalc could be tweaked, like in Arch3r's code here where certain troops with certain items equipped gain an advantage. Terrain advantage is also included for certain troops.


I'd suggest any troops wearing black armor have 4-5 times weight in autocalc, that oughta "even" things up  :twisted:

I was thinking about this and it'd be pretty exciting to see how it affects the game. I can totally see the DKs taking over the map in this scenario. The only problem would be that you'd have to siege every town with archers rather than having the pleasure of outwitting, say, Ragnars varied troops, i.e. it might get a bit samey.

Merc, what are the chances that you could release a limited edition patch that would make this adjustment? *looks for 'plead' and 'grovel' emoticons*

Some of us would be happy to test the effects, I'm sure.
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