A Multi-Event Campaign?

Multievent Campaigns

  • Yes! Lets have campaigns of historical battles

    Votes: 41 83.7%
  • No, I want to do cav spam and charge a line of infantry with 20 cavalrymen unrealisticly!

    Votes: 8 16.3%

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From what I've read on the forums these big battle events seem months apart, which is bad for people that weren't able to attend or just really want another big organized battle like that, so I think we should have campaigns and whatnot, and reenact series of napoleonic battles in the order they happened, maybe the battle sites and victors being changed by who wins the individual battles?  Maybe a battle per month?  Right now we only have 3 factions, but if we got spanish faction or russian faction up we could have a Peninsular campaign or Napoleons campaign through Russia.
Were already Planning something like this, wait some time. Dont discuss Campaign now you have conquest weekly line battle events and that and you could organize your own Events.

BTW, we have class limits included, you arent able to spam cav and rifles.
A Multi-Event campaign would indeed be nice but to create a campaign we need more factions as you already said so I guess it's not really doable at the moment. I knew someone which used to take part in a WW1 campaign on a BF Mod and it was really awesome.
Adding factions isn't easy. Especially if your doing them properly like we are. The reasons for the long gaps between events is the amount of time it takes to make another faction. Just use the line battles n conquest for now. There will be more
I dont like you poll, giving cav a bad name. Cavalry won battles.

"Cavalry is useful before, during, and after the battle"
- Napoleon Bonaparte

You probably dislike it since they kick your ass and you cant stop it. Not many battles didnt have cavalry, besides, no one spams cavalry, in the last event it was small and it was decisive which makes it fun. But apparently cavalry ruins the game which is stupid because the mod itself is called MOUNT & Musket(Mount is a Horse unless you didnt realize)
I think it would be great, using currently existing maps, you could easily do one every 2 weeks with the current, but i'm not complaining about the month wait, it dosn't really need new factions, just a slight ajustment to a map, or a new map.

Yeh that might be hard to accomplish but people wouldn't mind repeats I don't think, it just gives variation to the mod as well.

Seeing more of lines, Cavalry and skirmishers being used on the same map, where each can take advantage of the terrain and map.

if people can organise it I wouldn't see much opposition, it wouldn't hastle the 22nd too much would it? I mean a lot of guys play the server mainly to practise for the events and battles.
As a I said, let us time to work on the campaigns, it is not the most important but I have already planned something.

We need some more time...
lord_olafson said:
As a I said, let us time to work on the campaigns, it is not the most important but I have already planned something.

We need some more time...

No-one minds waiting, just throw in some more variety, don't need an entire new faction to have that, just some more events.
lol, ruining your formation, havnt you ever heard of the square formation,  i just got you a new one to use so problem is solved, so stop whining
Lackay said:
lol, ruining your formation, havnt you ever heard of the square formation,  i just got you a new one to use so problem is solved, so stop whining

Dosn't work with 16 guys ... you need atleast ... 40+, even if you did manage it with 16 guys you'd still get stormed by 10+ Cav, so really ... he knows what he's talking about, wandered why no-one tries it?
The Old Guard did one in Waterloo, in mid-battle. It worked but half of the regiment was dead during the formation.

The square formation works if you have time to see the cav from the distance. In real life, horses dont charge at full speed from the other side of the map, so you have time to move. Here, when you see them, they are going to put his sword in your head seconds.

But, when it works, it looks badass....  :mrgreen:
Square formations will not work in this game if the enemy has any sort of lance or ranged weapon. It's like making a shield wall in native... It might look pretty but it's useless.
Its the knockdown that messes up formations in mount and blade; In real life its the horses unwillingness to charge into a wall of pointy objects that allows these kinds of dense formations to survive. While in mount and blade the horses are suicidal.
Disparate said:
Its the knockdown that messes up formations in mount and blade; In real life its the horses unwillingness to charge into a wall of pointy objects that allows these kinds of dense formations to survive. While in mount and blade the horses are suicidal.

Naw .... their brain capacity fails ... I think it would be quite funny to see some overcocky lancer running at you for his horse to suddenly stop short and go "Ha screw that mate" and run the other way.
i wish i could take part in any of these but i live in AZ and its noon here when you do the line event battles
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