A more developed peasent -> knight/sharpshooter tech tree

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Just hoping that an expansion to the current tree is in the works.
It's really nice the way it is, but i'd like to see it expanded [specifically, make it longer].
Right now, i've got a lot of "Final Level" party members and I've been a bit disappointed that there is nothing more I can do with them.
Maybe have the option to create heroes from knights/sharpshooters that you've leveled up appropriately? [if no expansion of the tree is in planned]
It think that, if nothing else, it would be interesting if you could have a certain percentage of your soldiers become lieutenants and such, with superior equipment and skills. they would require teair own slot, and you could have, say, one lieutenant per twenty soldiers.

Although if you renamed the current knights 'heavy cavalry' and added knights in the same manner as I mentioned the lieutenants, a sort of better cavalry type (although a 1/10 ratio would be better for them). AFAIK in the middle ages there were no armies made entirely of knights
Captains... as we see with caravans and the nobleman. Of course in a different attire but the flow is easy to observe.
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