
Hi all
Ive noticed a good bit of discution has been about content and skills and abillatys and...a fair amount about the posabilaty of controling your troops. it has always been my view to offer a solution with my complaint or disagreement.
First off let me say I feel this is an awsome addition to the gaming world, hands down one of the best fighting layouts ive seen, imo. now on to the suggestion.
there has been some concern about how to place and order your troops into combat positions. I feel that with a simple hard code for the spesifict troop i could grow into a customizable comand. I have played the vegris for most of the game sofar so please forgive the one sided remarks.
1. all pesants, farmers, refugees and any first lvl troops these are your basic cannon fodder. these are already coded
2. your footmen here we start our military career these men/women should be coded to march after the fodder hits the fan
adendum here ive looked at the skill points and atrabute points and i feel there should be a more logical progression.
3. here is the first major choice of progression. veteran or skirmisher.
with the veteran you have a need for more weapon skills and more focus on str agi then some int. there is no real need for any leadership or prisioner handeling. with the skirmisher there is only a real focus on archery skills and its supporting skills . the veterans are you med and heavy footmen (closer to your main ground forces) then should be sent in directly after the footmen. now your skirmishers (here is where it gets fun) should always be paced at 75% of max range placed on high ground or if on flat fields placed in groups of 3 evenly spaced for continual fire.
the coding for all this will make for some frustration im sure but if the troops are hard coded with (usable) skills and orders then the only imediate need for you the player is which branch you need for ;your army.
Yes i know ive stoped the progression list but this is just an example and im not trying to insulte anyones int.
but from a hard code there can be a simple interface added much like the retreate screen to point your troops into a focused fighting "team".
I hope this is usefull. I spent many years in the USMC as a tactition and infantry leader. if i can help ....please put my skills to use. thanks again for the game! Tim
P.S. i already know some of you are just dying to hack this up.
so go for it 
Ive noticed a good bit of discution has been about content and skills and abillatys and...a fair amount about the posabilaty of controling your troops. it has always been my view to offer a solution with my complaint or disagreement.
First off let me say I feel this is an awsome addition to the gaming world, hands down one of the best fighting layouts ive seen, imo. now on to the suggestion.
there has been some concern about how to place and order your troops into combat positions. I feel that with a simple hard code for the spesifict troop i could grow into a customizable comand. I have played the vegris for most of the game sofar so please forgive the one sided remarks.
1. all pesants, farmers, refugees and any first lvl troops these are your basic cannon fodder. these are already coded
2. your footmen here we start our military career these men/women should be coded to march after the fodder hits the fan
3. here is the first major choice of progression. veteran or skirmisher.
with the veteran you have a need for more weapon skills and more focus on str agi then some int. there is no real need for any leadership or prisioner handeling. with the skirmisher there is only a real focus on archery skills and its supporting skills . the veterans are you med and heavy footmen (closer to your main ground forces) then should be sent in directly after the footmen. now your skirmishers (here is where it gets fun) should always be paced at 75% of max range placed on high ground or if on flat fields placed in groups of 3 evenly spaced for continual fire.
the coding for all this will make for some frustration im sure but if the troops are hard coded with (usable) skills and orders then the only imediate need for you the player is which branch you need for ;your army.
Yes i know ive stoped the progression list but this is just an example and im not trying to insulte anyones int.
I hope this is usefull. I spent many years in the USMC as a tactition and infantry leader. if i can help ....please put my skills to use. thanks again for the game! Tim
P.S. i already know some of you are just dying to hack this up.