A hero needs a cape

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I really want my hero to have a cape, maybe that could be in the next one, ay?

Sion the Younger
Cloaks, surcoats and tunics and new equipment slots for them would be nice, dunno how hard would it be to make it happen though.
And make different ones then! Even the poor peasant/adventurer/hunter needs a cape to protect him/her from the cold winter nights, but he/she surely can't afford a nice red velvet cape (which ain't too warm anyways). Instead he/she is going to use the nice warm woolen cape, and maybe there could be ones made of fur, plain skin etc. in order to make the characters look more interesting.
The only problem I see with the cape/coat addition is this:

The current animation has you pull weapons from over your shoulder. It may look kinda wierd with a cape there...
also unless you spent a lot of time animating your cloak it's just gonna sit there stiffly like you put too much starch in your washing. Not very fetching for your prospective hero.
Kynes said:
also unless you spent a lot of time animating your cloak it's just gonna sit there stiffly like you put too much starch in your washing. Not very fetching for your prospective hero.

Right. In a perfect world, your cape/cloak/hair would flow in the wind as your steed galloped over the ridge...
Well the boiling oil from the watch towers wouldn't have been any fun if they were wearing non-flammable clothing. But even if they were they still would have died from the really hot oil.
They didn't fight in capes. Yes. But they used capes while travelling, and also when you went to you count and recieved a mission.

And imagine a band of knights galloping at you in a tight formation, removing their capes the same time and then charging at you together!
I once read about the turkish seige on maples (When the hospitalarrs held it) It said something about the knights shooting flaming arrows into the capes of the turks and lighting them on fire.
Think a knight walking, suddenly he fall, because someone just stepped on his precious cloak.

Im in for no cloaks
Or maybe, like the current system in Guild Wars, where you can choose where you want your cloak to be worn. You can wear it just in battles, just in towns, in both, or in neither. All of us realistic people would set it to "In Town Only" whereas all the people who wanna look kickass as well as kick ass would set it to "Battle Only" or "All."

It would be rather nice, if we could adjust where we want it, for realism/coolness sake.
The problem with capes is that they can be hard to animate and adjust so that legs and arms don't stick through them, and so they don't wave through the body in their animation. I'd rather not have the makers of Mount & Blade focus attention on getting capes perfect and forget about it. There's more important stuff to be done, like multiplayer arenas!
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