A Helping Hand (Besides Buying the Game)

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Hi There.
.oO(pretty sure its been posted before, but any search involving "help" gets like 1000000 hits).


I was wondering if there's ANYWAY that a normal person could help out in the creation of this EXTRAORDINARY fine (and almost free) game???

i mean, i'm not like a superior programmer or anything, just a good samaritarian that would like to contribute .oO(somehow). bug-reports and the buying of the game, only gets me so far :???:

if you could think of a few ways any of "us" would be able to help, post below :smile:

EDIT: Maybe a "Donations" page wouldn't be such a dumb idea?
I like to think that maybe some of the maps the community generates will be used in the full game. And because I'm trying to help in the mapping/modding part of the community (my eyes have been opened to how much fun it is), I feel like I'm helping in my own small way.
Well, if you feel like donating, why don't you just buy a couple more CD-keys. You can then give them to your friends and hook them up to the game :smile:
why don't you just buy a couple more CD-keys. You can then give them to your friends and hook them up to the game? :grin:

weeeeell, even I have my limits. but it would be cool though.

anyways, as i posted under "Suggestions", a way to help could be to look out for Piracy/Cracking of M&B. <-- which will happen sooner or later.

thought: another way would be to, report this great game to all kinda gaming magazines, online revierwers, and friends. In other words, spreading the word. .oO(thats the Holy Quest that I have just embarked on)
Well, if you feel like donating, why don't you just buy a couple more CD-keys. You can then give them to your friends and hook them up to the game

No. If you give these keys to anyone, then this would not be a donation anymore. If you buy extra keys as donation, do not give them to anyone. You can always introduce your friends to game and make them buy it themselves. I have done this 3 of my friends. They couldn't resist more then a few weeks. :twisted:
It is funny that this was posted as I have been considering posting the following:

The notepad on my desktop said:
Hey everyone,

I was trying to think of a way to get the game out to more people and/or just something fun. One idea I had was to make a contest and give away a free copy to the winner(s). By saying free ... I am implying that there is no cost to the winner(s) and that I would purchase it for them.

Maybe a contest to see how many 'referred' people you could get to sign up and make a certain number of 'meaningful' posts? I'm afraid though ... that this would warrant a spam-fest and therefore might not be such a good idea.

There are a million different ways that a contest could be done.

I haven't decided to do this yet or if I would just buy one copy or really anything for that matter ... but thought that maybe I could get some feedback from others.

Any ideas? Suggestions? Critiques? Thoughts?

I hadn't decided whether or not to post it yet until after I spoke with Armagan ... but a good way to do this would be a collective 'pot' that buys copies of M&B. Then find some criteria that people should meet or beat to win a free copy. Great way to get new members and great way to increase sales.

Any thoughts?

Narcissus said:
Any thoughts?

Find a hidden key in v0.704 and get a game for free? :grin:

Way back I suggested affiliate program, this would a nice incentive to fan sites and bigger gaming sites to do a preview and/or make a dedicated section. :wink:

Not sure about amount of that would be given but doesn't have to be very large $2-3, just raise price to $15 and give $3 to affiliate when relevant. :lol:

Some bigger program would probably be a good idea so Armagan doesn't waste time sending individual checks and affiliates don't have to wait eternity to be paid since they can make cash from other programs as well. :roll:

Here is promotional text:
"8000+ sold in last month! Get your copy while you can!" :lol:
(hey its marketing)
Ivan Bajlo said:
Narcissus said:
Any thoughts?

Find a hidden key in v0.704 and get a game for free? :grin:

A hidden key would involve adding something to the game itself and that wasn't really what I had in mind. :razz:

I'm not sure that I care for the affiliate program idea. It could work and could help promote the game, yet that includes an increase in price for the game or a decrease of profit per game to Armagan and Ipek.

Word of mouth would work just as well or way better. We just need to find a good incentive and/or way to run such a contest.

Narcissus said:
A hidden key would involve adding something to the game itself and that wasn't really what I had in mind. :razz:

Most useful forum posts over weekend? Coolest Mod award? Best (workable) suggestion to the game? :roll:

Narcissus said:
I'm not sure that I care for the affiliate program idea. It could work and could help promote the game, yet that includes an increase in price for the game or a decrease of profit per game to Armagan and Ipek.

Well that is how it usually goes, game cost $40-50 and developer is lucky if he gets $5. :roll:

Narcissus said:
Word of mouth would work just as well or way better.

Yes but human greed knows no limit - affiliate program is magic word. :roll:

Narcissus said:
We just need to find a good incentive and/or way to run such a contest.

Visit to Turkey? :wink:

(although with bird flu arriving to Europe and Asia minor that might not be such a good idea) :roll:

But they don't need to be outside Armagan could take winner to see belly dancers (hopefully Ipek isn't reading this)? :lol:
barbaros said:
Well, if you feel like donating, why don't you just buy a couple more CD-keys. You can then give them to your friends and hook them up to the game

No. If you give these keys to anyone, then this would not be a donation anymore. If you buy extra keys as donation, do not give them to anyone. You can always introduce your friends to game and make them buy it themselves. I have done this 3 of my friends. They couldn't resist more then a few weeks. :twisted:

Well, a $1000 will be even better :roll:
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