a good all of gun game for verizon 1.011

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is there any good gun game for verizon 1.011. When i mean good i want like the main weapons to be guns with the occasional idiot running around with a sword towards a firing line. Maybe an American revolution or something like that.
Ruthven said:
The Eagle and the Radiant Cross is a Renaissance mod, with mostly gunpowder weapons.

It's the best gun-featuring mod in my opinion.
mhm im gunna wait for the american revo mod to come out, the musket textures and skins look awsome
Ruthven said:
The Eagle and the Radiant Cross is a Renaissance mod, with mostly gunpowder weapons.

wait the last time i dl that mod it was in kind of,not yet renaissance but has gunpowder,how did it change?
Ruthven said:
The Eagle and the Radiant Cross is a Renaissance mod, with mostly gunpowder weapons.
Aside from the Holy Swadian Empire, TEatRC has little to do with the Renaissance.
Gobblecoque said:
Ruthven said:
The Eagle and the Radiant Cross is a Renaissance mod, with mostly gunpowder weapons.
Aside from the Holy Swadian Empire, TEatRC has little to do with the Renaissance.

I made mines renaissance :p

and check out age of blackpowder, good mod.
Actually, the Laurians are Renaissance Spanish, the Union is Sweden from the 30 Year's War, the Duchy is Renaissance Poland-Lithuania, the State is 19th Century Prussians and the Lion Throne is some random faction cobbled together from Byzantines, Greeks, Romans and other Italian types from different ages.
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