A friendly list of things I'd like to see implemented.

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Dismemberment! While I know it may not have been common, I would love to lob a few heads off!

More "Flair" in combat. A bit more cinematic and fast paced.

Improved sounds. When cavalry come together I'd love to get the "Crash" of shields and weapons. Also a chance that you can be dismounted by colliding with other cavalry.

Flails and morningstars.

Special "Finishing" animations of sorts when you've bested an opponent, a quick "Runthrough" etc :grin:

The ability to kick and use your legs while mounted and otherwise.

Audio orders and charges (When you order a charge, it'd be great to hear "CHARGE!" while your men cheer)

A bit toned down on the blood spurts, a bit more realistic streams.
Hmm...I like the bit about beeing able to kick when on your horse but other then that the combat mechanics is fine the way it is IMHOl.

nahirean said:
Audio orders and charges (When you order a charge, it'd be great to hear "CHARGE!" while your men cheer)

i love that idea, i would like to elaborate it though by requesting random curses crunts and other ambient sounds from the combatants, and even random screaming and such hehehe, as it is right now the only time people make a sound on this game is to grunt when they get hit =] would be allot more lively if sometimes when you swing you grunt, or even scream, or if when you told your men to charge, they started running tward the enemy (if their in sight) screaming bloody murder, and various warcries =]

anyway, just love this idea hehehehe
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