A few Warband features that I miss

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1.In Warband you could check your score with the "Retire from Adventuring" feature. I am not sure if Bannerlord has something similar or they just did away with it.
2.The event log was handy in that you could press L and it would show all the events the recently happened. In Bannerlord the event log disappears fast and I miss some information.
3. The ability to export/import characters so if you start a new game I dont have to go through the character creation process.

If these features are available Id appreciate it if someone could show me how they can be used.
You can do 1 and 3. to my understanding. 1 there is a mountain in centre of map that is a retirement place you talk to a hermit and retire. 3 once you make your character press control+c to copy and paste it to note pad. then if you make a new character copy to text from note pad and on character creation screen press control+p and you get your character. (if it still works)
You can do 1 and 3. to my understanding. 1 there is a mountain in centre of map that is a retirement place you talk to a hermit and retire. 3 once you make your character press control+c to copy and paste it to note pad. then if you make a new character copy to text from note pad and on character creation screen press control+p and you get your character. (if it still works)
Interesting, that helps
I don't think you can . But there's a mod on steam that added kills and lord kills to the encyclopaedia but its not undated since 1.1.0 and i don't think it works on new branch.
All this is available and BL.
Really, how do you access the event log so you can see ALL the most recent texts after they disappear? Or how do I access the TOTAL amount of kills/wounds Ive inflicted for the WHOLE game, not just at the end of the battle. I am pretty sure you cant do those two.
Hit enter and the event log becomes a scrollable list, it's a small log.
Personal statistics can be seen when changing the character in the retreat, there is also a mod that records kill statistics.
The event log definitely operates that's good to know, kill stats that keep track of all your kills etc does not exist. Who knows how well the mod works or if its bugged or if they will even update it for future patches. "Changing character in retreat" just give you the battle stats that you can get at the end of the battle anyway.
So you have to retire to get the stats, interesting. Its available but in roundabout way. Its not the same thing as going to the character screen and clicking player stats whenever you want, it not ergonomic. In fact a lot about this game is not very ergonomic. I am not saying I dislike the game just saying that at times the UI and basic game mechanics are very awkward.
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.The event log was handy in that you could press L and it would show all the events the recently happened. In Bannerlord the event log disappears fast and I miss some information.
Press the Enter key on keyboard, the recent events dissapear in some instances, if you enter a battle the previous logs dissapear
Statistics on how many I killed and wounded for the entire game.
Does thi work when you retife entirery from the game or does it appear when you change characters in the same playthrough to keep playing?
Does changing multiple characters in the same game, then retiring forever separate these stats showing for each individual character?
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