A few suggestions...

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One of the greatest things with M&B is that its constantly being updated and our suggestions are actually welcome, the game can't be spoilt yet because its not finished yet, and in my view never should be, allowing us, the players to be think; " ooh wouldn't it be good if...", "the game would be better if" and actually getting those changes instead of waiting forever for a large patch and eventually abandoning the game because those little faults don't go away...

Henceforth i bring ideas!

Females - the game needs more female characters it would give bandits and warriors more distinction.

More varied equipment and more slots - self explanatory

Skill/Attribute changing items - adding on what i just wrote previous why not items (not magical) that not just change armor, attack etc but athletics, leadership etc.
i.e. wearing a steel reinforced fletcher in the glove slot could give +1 power draw and +20 bow proficiency.

Travelling merchants - These or perhaps the ability to trade with caravans

Oriental weaponry - Alright from what I can see the games mainly based on medieval europe, but there is a scimitar, fair enough there are articles stating middle eastern weaponry being sold to and used by the europeans but oriental warriors became mercenaries, oriental blacksmiths sold to the highest bidders too.

Blood - No not another topic about gore but I'd love to have the option to see the streams of blood splat or land on what ever surface or weapon and later on maybe stay in water.

Shield splinters - self explanatory

Make bandits unique to corresponding region - I know they already are in terms of weapons, armour, etc but what i mean is to have, on the main map i.e. forest bandits move at normal speed through forests, river pirates to move faster when by "the river" etc

Last but not least and i know its a long way off and its been said a million times before but... Hows about a decent siege?!?!

P.S. Where for art thou nomad sabre?


"nought might armour avail, but that Caliburn would carve their souls from out them with their blood."
Welcome to the forums!

Females: I agree. Maybe that's why there's a war on... all those males and no females to play with :smile:

Equipment: There's been quite a bit of suggestions on this topic, do a search and you'll see what folks have come up with

Travelling merchants: Not a bad idea... but if you were a merchant and there was a war going on, would you want to be on the road much?

Oriental Weaponry: Maybe as a mod to the game, but I don't see it in the game now... I think in medival crusades era setting (where you would have scimitars), oriental weaponry would be out of place

Blood/shield splinters: Yes, good effects to have for sure

Bandits: I made a similar suggestion a while back:

For Seige suggestions, check out the "Siege Redux" thread, it has probably the most engaging siege idea I've seen thusfar.
I had a few sword sisters in my little band... Morale didn't go up a notch though, and the enemies were all gay so they were not interested... (heck I think my own troops are gay...... uh oh....... crap wheres my bow....)
^ lol

Nice sugestions, but there shouldnt be many if at all oriental weapons since they tended to stay away from europe and tend to their own problems. (Excluding the mongolians)
Fruit loop troops don't make for great skirmishes.

Anyway, I concur about the travelling merchants thing. If I were a merchant, I would stay the hell off the road, unless I could pay some knights to guard me, but even then, I wouldn't walk around much. Just raid caravans.
I like blood, personally. I honestly don't mind blood being excessive, but having no blood just sucks. The blood has gone to my standards as is (ever try getting a mod, then hitting some guy with like, 400 damage? It's a goddamn FOUNTAIN of life juice). The game isn't even done yet, there's bound to be more equipment and the like, that really isn't something that needs to be addressed right away. As for Oriental weapons, I'm neutral on that, too. I'm not really interested in Asian swords or spears, I really like Western weapons better. But I don't mind if they're implemented, say, the very rare katana or whatever from a merchant (which is, of course, uber pricey... "It's an import! Don't mind the duct tape. That's divine strengthening runes.").
It's good that you thought of these things, however they have all been covered at least once, but they are not on this front page and search function isn't the best. However, next time please at least be more descriptive in your title. Everything you have said will probably be implemented in some shape or form either by Armagan or in a mod. However maybe only one or two people from India made it to Europe, maybe. Probably on a Caravan. Almost no East/South Asians ever went to Europe until the 1700s, maybe, 1800s for sure. And that was mostly Britain, Portugal.
But a mod will probably come along to add the min.
Welcome to the fourms!
Etzel said:
Females - the game needs more female characters it would give bandits and warriors more distinction.

I think that would wreck the great realistic military atmosphere.

Etzel said:
More varied equipment and more slots - self explanatory

Why more slots? I like the way it forces you to carefully choose your gear. Just choosing everything isn't really a choice.

Etzel said:
Skill/Attribute changing items - adding on what i just wrote previous why not items (not magical) that not just change armor, attack etc but athletics, leadership etc.
i.e. wearing a steel reinforced fletcher in the glove slot could give +1 power draw and +20 bow proficiency.

Agreed. Plate armor with lance rests could be nice too, though that is a bit higher tech than most stuff in the game.

Etzel said:
Oriental weaponry - Alright from what I can see the games mainly based on medieval europe, but there is a scimitar, fair enough there are articles stating middle eastern weaponry being sold to and used by the europeans but oriental warriors became mercenaries, oriental blacksmiths sold to the highest bidders too.

Maybe if the map was extended past khergit lands, but oriental weapons existing without an oriental culture is a bit cheesy.

Etzel said:
Blood - No not another topic about gore but I'd love to have the option to see the streams of blood splat or land on what ever surface or weapon and later on maybe stay in water.

Shield splinters - self explanatory

Would be nice eye candy, but I don't really think it's a priority.

Etzel said:
Make bandits unique to corresponding region - I know they already are in terms of weapons, armour, etc but what i mean is to have, on the main map i.e. forest bandits move at normal speed through forests, river pirates to move faster when by "the river" etc

Everyone seems to have the basically the idea of what i was trying to get across but i should've explained a little better, my bad...

Just the odd woman here and there to mix it up a little, not as proffesionals obviously by as bandits

when i say more slots i meant not for arms but for equipment and misc items that tie in with my point on items that could change skills

CrazyEyes hit the nail on the head with what i said about oriental weapons
them being extremely rare and expensive, also the khergit raiders are obviously a reference to the mongols portrayed by mainly horse archery tactics, the composite bow, various "steppe" items its half way there anyway...



"nought might armour avail, but that Caliburn would carve their souls from out them with their blood."
PrinceScamp said:
It's good that you thought of these things, however they have all been covered at least once, but they are not on this front page and search function isn't the best. However, next time please at least be more descriptive in your title. Everything you have said will probably be implemented in some shape or form either by Armagan or in a mod. However maybe only one or two people from India made it to Europe, maybe. Probably on a Caravan. Almost no East/South Asians ever went to Europe until the 1700s, maybe, 1800s for sure. And that was mostly Britain, Portugal.
But a mod will probably come along to add the min.
Welcome to the fourms!
Please keep in mind that Princescamp is still not a mod. Just thought I'd mess with you a little my friend hahaha. Aw I'm sorry Princescamp I keep remembering Ingolif's sig about some suggestions and yet I like new players too so I went after you because you are tough and can take it .
Etzel said:
when i say more slots i meant not for arms but for equipment and misc items that tie in with my point on items that could change skills

If you mean gadget slots for things like books, medical equipment, maps and other non combat skill enhancing items then I agree.
exactly! it would mean you could modify your skills as well as arms before battle to suit...


"nought might armour avail, but that Caliburn would carve their souls from out them with their blood."
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