A Few Suggestions

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I've been playing this game very heavily for the past two days and enjoyed it so much I bought a key within an hour of playing. Great job so far.

Here's a few things I've thought of while playing that would help make it a little better, in my opinion.

1.) Better control over combat. It seems to me now that when I click attack, it's random what attack I actually do. It'd be nice if it was a system similar to Morrowind where pressing left/right while pressing attack does a slice from that direction, up does overhead chop, etc. It'd really be nice for mounted combat so I could choose which side of the horse I wanted to attack. The position of the reticle may dictate that, I haven't noticed, but if not that would be a good way to do it if nothing else (edit: this seems to be the case. Is it the same for the ground?).

2.) Weather effects. This is minor and maybe even planned for later on. Not only would it help immersion, but it could come into play tactically as well. Have grassy ground become muddy in rain slowing movement slightly and having a chance of slipping and falling, based on agility. There could also be snow in the northern areas, with the terrain there being white, etc.

3.) Survey battlefield. The permanent corpses and pincushion effect of arrows are great immersive effects, but it would be nice to have those have a nice side effect. After a battle is over, instead of going straight to the loot screen, have a menu pop up asking if the player wishes to exit the battlefield. If yes, it'll go to the loot screen like normal. If no, then the player can walk/ride around the battlefield examining the carnage (and getting great screenshots at the same time!). Have the boundaries of the map offer the option to exit after surveying, like in town, or possibly even the Tab key.

In addition, if they're not already, make arrows permanent regardless of where they land. It'd be cool to see them sticking out of trees and the ground. They may already, but the screen ends before I can look and I'm too busy focusing on the people trying to kill me. :smile:

4.) Custom tournaments. This would probably work best as an extra mode in addition to the normal game (think Instant Action), but have a screen where you can setup teams, number of participants, equipment per person, etc. It'd add a great deal of replayability to an already replayable game. When I start to get bored, I usually spend time in the arena. This would give a better way to enjoy that. I'd like to be able to have 10 infantry vs mounted me matches and whatnot.

5.) More customization options. This is probably planned after the core game is more finalized, but I thought I'd throw it in. Just add things like more hair styles, facial hair, hair colors, and face skins. The ones we have are good, but more is usually better.

6.) A small gripe, but have the big bag of arrows have more than 1 more than normal. I think 1.5 or twice as many is a good starting point.

7.) The option to choose which units you want to bring into battle with you. Especially on capture missions, I want to go at it alone or with only a couple of units so I can have the best chance of my targets not being killed.

These are all I can think of at the moment. Feedback is welcome.
A small gripe, but have the big bag of arrows have more than 1 more than normal. I think 1.5 or twice as many is a good starting point.

Lol, I just came here to post about this, you beat me to it. "a big bag" of something should probably have more than one extra arrow or bolt.
I definitely agree with no.7; it'd be very useful for the nobleman quests, as you said, but it'd also be useful in order to hold back some of your weaker troops if your battling some strong enemies etc.
#'s 3 & 4 sound great!

If you could survey the battlefield, it would be great if you could set up camp too, either for yourself or army. ( You can fully heal at the Inns in town, right? But camping wouldn't heal you as quickly)
1.) Better control over combat. It seems to me now that when I click attack, it's random what attack I actually do. It'd be nice if it was a system similar to Morrowind where pressing left/right while pressing attack does a slice from that direction, up does overhead chop, etc. It'd really be nice for mounted combat so I could choose which side of the horse I wanted to attack. The position of the reticle may dictate that, I haven't noticed, but if not that would be a good way to do it if nothing else (edit: this seems to be the case. Is it the same for the ground?).

I agree with this. I get annoyed when I suddenly go for a chop instead of a swing, and end up missing my target cause he happened to be an inch off to the left.
I'm not sure what the best way to do this would be. The Elder Scrolls system of different swings based on mouse movement isn't bad. But not easy for casual gamers to master.

2.) Weather effects. This is minor and maybe even planned for later on. Not only would it help immersion, but it could come into play tactically as well. Have grassy ground become muddy in rain slowing movement slightly and having a chance of slipping and falling, based on agility. There could also be snow in the northern areas, with the terrain there being white, etc.

This could be cool.
It takes longer to stop in rainy weather. And maybe if you're going full speed on your horse and try to turn too sharply you could risk falling off.
Bad weather could also limit your visibility. And mess up archery.

3.) Survey battlefield. The permanent corpses and pincushion effect of arrows are great immersive effects, but it would be nice to have those have a nice side effect. After a battle is over, instead of going straight to the loot screen, have a menu pop up asking if the player wishes to exit the battlefield. If yes, it'll go to the loot screen like normal. If no, then the player can walk/ride around the battlefield examining the carnage (and getting great screenshots at the same time!). Have the boundaries of the map offer the option to exit after surveying, like in town, or possibly even the Tab key.

Heh, kind of a cool idea. But I think it would loose it's charm after a bit. Though some trully massive battles could leave some interesting fields. :smile:

In addition, if they're not already, make arrows permanent regardless of where they land. It'd be cool to see them sticking out of trees and the ground. They may already, but the screen ends before I can look and I'm too busy focusing on the people trying to kill me. :smile:

I think they are permanent.

4.) Custom tournaments. This would probably work best as an extra mode in addition to the normal game (think Instant Action), but have a screen where you can setup teams, number of participants, equipment per person, etc. It'd add a great deal of replayability to an already replayable game. When I start to get bored, I usually spend time in the arena. This would give a better way to enjoy that. I'd like to be able to have 10 infantry vs mounted me matches and whatnot.

That's actually a cool idea. When you're tired of questing and running around the map, you can just jump into some quick battles. Sounds fun.

5.) More customization options. This is probably planned after the core game is more finalized, but I thought I'd throw it in. Just add things like more hair styles, facial hair, hair colors, and face skins. The ones we have are good, but more is usually better.

I'm sure more is planned. And I can't wait to see it.
I think that we should have personal crests which we can customize (there's a topic about that).

6.) A small gripe, but have the big bag of arrows have more than 1 more than normal. I think 1.5 or twice as many is a good starting point.

Hmm... I wouldn't mind having more ammo. As long as it's properly balanced. Remember that enemies can have just as much ammo as we can.

7.) The option to choose which units you want to bring into battle with you. Especially on capture missions, I want to go at it alone or with only a couple of units so I can have the best chance of my targets not being killed.

Yes, I've suggested this as well. Sometimes I just want to go in alone (or with my heroes). It would be nice to have more selection before starting a battle.
Here's a simple solution for the combat, to make it much more controllable.

Have the direction you've moving when you click act as a modifier that decides the type of attack. If you're standing still, then the attack will be random (as current), but how about moving fowards = overhead attack, backwards = thrust, left = left swing, right = right swing.

It's simple, intuitive, and lets the player use his weapons more effectively
Lord Blade said:
3.) Survey battlefield. The permanent corpses and pincushion effect of arrows are great immersive effects, but it would be nice to have those have a nice side effect. After a battle is over, instead of going straight to the loot screen, have a menu pop up asking if the player wishes to exit the battlefield. If yes, it'll go to the loot screen like normal. If no, then the player can walk/ride around the battlefield examining the carnage (and getting great screenshots at the same time!). Have the boundaries of the map offer the option to exit after surveying, like in town, or possibly even the Tab key.

Heh, kind of a cool idea. But I think it would loose it's charm after a bit. Though some trully massive battles could leave some interesting fields. :smile:

While eventually you'd probably not use it much, It'd still be nice to have the option. I think having the extra step of clicking "Leave Battlefield" wouldn't be too annoying. I think it'd give the game a little more immersion because, in my opinion, the way it is now feels like a "level" or a "mission". The automatic loot screen is almost like a "Mission Completed" screen, which pulls you out of the immersion.

It'd also be cool if the multi-part battles carried over corpses and arrows. It would feel more like a huge battle then. I don't think it'd be too hard from a coding standpoint. Just don't unload the map until you go to the loot screen.

DominicWhite said:
Here's a simple solution for the combat, to make it much more controllable.

Have the direction you've moving when you click act as a modifier that decides the type of attack. If you're standing still, then the attack will be random (as current), but how about moving fowards = overhead attack, backwards = thrust, left = left swing, right = right swing.

It's simple, intuitive, and lets the player use his weapons more effectively

That's basically what I was suggesting. :smile: If it's not possible already, I'd also like to be able to choose between thrust or chop while on horseback. As it stands now, I usually use a broadsword or axe because I don't see much point in thrusting as I ride by. If I wanted to do that, I'd just use my lance. :smile:

Another thing I'd like to see, though I don't know how viable it is, is knockdown. When I'm riding by at full gallop connecting with someone's head with my sledgehammer, they're pretty darn tough if they don't lose their footing. I'd also like to have riders be able to be knocked off. That would help if a jousting system is enabled. A couched hit on a rider or rider's shield should have a chance of unseating them. Let the horse stop after a few steps and wait there so they can get back on if they can get to it.

Also, if it's not possible already, have enemy horses that aren't killed during the battle be lootable. I saw one horse for loot once, but I don't know if it was because of that or if it was randomly picked to be loot. This would be another benefit of knocking someone off of their horse without killing it. If you want to balance it out, you could have the horse have a random chance of running away after the rider is removed and then being unlootable.

Speaking of loot, I've always loved Morrowind's method of loot and don't understand why more games don't use it. If someone is wearing or wielding something and I kill them, I should be able to loot that item. I'd really like for available loot after battles to be the equipment the enemy was using. If I fight and kill 30 pirates, I should be able to loot 30 weapons. Naturally I can't carry that many, but it would add a little realism to the game, in my opinion.
Well, it's obvious, yet flawed. This way, you'll be limited to stabbing when you back away from you enemies, etc.
I'd vote for a selector of attack type - a key that will allow you to select between stabs and slashes.
And overheads, as they are, should be drastically rewamped. Only greeniest of newbies will use their weapons this way.
2 SirCarcass
Read my "full loot" idea. Right now, it's be impossible (or will ruin the game, more precisely). With my suggestions, but may be feasible, but only after a major rewamp.
For now, you just consider that weapons and armor you don't see in the loot screen were damaged so badly duing the battle (or was so poor to begin with) that you just don't bother to even think of picking them up.
Of course, right now the ratio is absurd, but anyway.
morrowind did a lot of things great, and the tes(the elder scrolls) series are the best rpgs ever made. Its a shame they dont seem to popular around here, but then again TES games arent fps games, but rpgs :razz:.

the new tes game tes4-oblivion, is supposed to have more fpsish combat because the fps people said melee in morrowind sucked, personally I had no problem with it because it was an rpg. I just hope they dont go way to far into fps for the next one, then character skills and raising won't mean jack.
Have you played Planescape: Torment, Ferox? If didn't - try it. While it's rather old game, it's better RPG then Morrowind like 10^100 times.
Morrowind is fun - for a while... and can be really fun in the long run, if you are explorer - hoarder - powerleveller type.
But if you want to role-play (what RPGs should provide you with opportunity to), it was nigh pathetic. Wikipedia-type dialogues, linear and boring plot, dumb, static NPCs, etc, etc, etc. It had nice books, and I loved a few of them... but active role-playing was nearly zilch. (No by solving quests in different ways (and not just "To kill or not to kill? WTF stupid question?"), no multiple dialogue options (see wikipedia), etc). You were just propelled down the railroad of the plot, and sub-quests were mostly FedEx type. *shrugs* It's not a RPG - it's a quest with action-RPG elements.
Balor said:
For now, you just consider that weapons and armor you don't see in the loot screen were damaged so badly duing the battle (or was so poor to begin with) that you just don't bother to even think of picking them up.

That, and also your troops get some of the loot for themselves. Peasants can't buy a knights equipment with the pitiful wages you are paying them :smile:

PS. The actual loot ratio takes into account how many followers you have. So you can always solo if you want more equipment.
that makes sense actually because I was trying to figure out for 20 min how to equip my followers when i finally figured they just must equip themselves from the pay and loot hehe.

oh and balor yeah i played planescape... I did not like it nor do I like all of those top down baldur's gate types of rpgs, just not my thing. The story was written well for torment but I like the freedom to do whatever I want in a living and breathing world, and only The Elder Scrolls can deliver that.
Balor said:
For now, you just consider that weapons and armor you don't see in the loot screen were damaged so badly duing the battle (or was so poor to begin with) that you just don't bother to even think of picking them up.
Of course, right now the ratio is absurd, but anyway.

I can agree with that, especially with armor, but I do think you should get more loot from battles. If you're able to kill 30 soldiers, you should be able to collect the spoils of that accomplishment. The ideal way would be to track damage done to weapons and armor, but that might be more trouble than it's worth (maybe not, isn't there already localized damage for armor ratings?). Headshots would be key in collecting armor because if you're able to kill someone wearing it, it's pretty safe to say that it's useless at that point.

For attacks, I'd personally be okay with two attack buttons. One would act like it does now and the other would act like I was saying. I'd just bind the second to my scrollwheel button.
to do whatever I want in a living and breathing world, and only The Elder Scrolls can deliver that.
Not sure about previous games in that series (I heard it was much better), but if you are talking solely about Morrowind... *keels over from laughter*
That's the most erroneous description of a Morrowind I've ever seen.
Living and breathing... :lol: With NPCs that are either nailed to place or walk around in circles like doped, never needing sleep or food, flora you must OPEN to collect and fauna existing for the sole purpose of killing you? :roll:. *shudder*
It's even more errorneous since you say that it's 'only' game that can deliver that, while Gothic has a lot of territory, NPCs that eat, sleep, work and swap stories by fire, much better (and non-linear to boot) plot, better combat system, etc, etc.
Morrowind is great as powerleveller's sandbox or modder's playground, but "living and breathing world"?! Even M&B, in it's current state, feel much more alive, at least on the overmap.
Balor said:
to do whatever I want in a living and breathing world, and only The Elder Scrolls can deliver that.
Not sure about previous games in that series (I heard it was much better), but if you are talking solely about Morrowind... *keels over from laughter*
That's the most erroneous description of a Morrowind I've ever seen.
Living and breathing... :lol: With NPCs that are either nailed to place or walk around in circles like doped, never needing sleep or food, flora you must OPEN to collect and fauna existing for the sole purpose of killing you? :roll:. *shudder*
It's even more errorneous since you say that it's 'only' game that can deliver that, while Gothic has a lot of territory, NPCs that eat, sleep, work and swap stories by fire, much better (and non-linear to boot) plot, better combat system, etc, etc.
Morrowind is great as powerleveller's sandbox or modder's playground, but "living and breathing world"?! Even M&B, in it's current state, feel much more alive, at least on the overmap.

While it's great that you hate Morrowind, it's not really applicable to this thread.
Does anyone know where I could get my hands on a copy of Gothic? And Gothic 2 while I'm at it?

I've never seen them in game stores.
Me? No, I don't. In fact, I'm one of modders of it, and even of some renown to boot. (Primary Needs, Herbalims, more exotic One Power and Levelling.) I just aware of it's flaws, and that there are games that are a LOT better in some (or many) respects that it. And besides, I didn't brought it up first. *shrugs* Ok, shutting up.
About Gothic... Well, no idea. I've bought Gothic in a nearby pirate kiosk :smile:, but I've not been able to get my hands on English version of Gothic 2, and I hate Russian localizations. *sighs* (I know it's German in original, but English localizations tend to be better then Russian one... higher budget, less different language)
Looks like I'll have to buy one eventially (I almost lost hope of finding one).
I guess you should try something like ebay.
I agree that Morrowind was a bit of a dissapointment. I found Daggerfall (the 2 game in the series) to be a far superior game to Morrowind.
For one thing... RANDOM QUESTS.
They had the FedEx quests (every game does). As well as escorts, dungeon crawls (to kill someone or retrieve something), guard duty (protect an item at a location from thieves), investigations (you had to collect clues and figure out who did it... you could be wrong :wink:), exorcisms, and more.
And random dungeons! So not these tiny static dungeons Morrowind had. They had huge masses of tunnels. I loved getting lost in them!
And random NPCs wandering the streets. Mostly they didn't offer much except common info you'd expect from peasants... but they were a nice touch. They gave the world more life. And you could kill, pickpocket, feed on them (if a Vampire or Werewolf/Wereboar).
A ton of guilds to join (Fighter, Mage, Thief, Dark Brotherhood, tons of Knight guilds, Temples, Vampire Clans, etc).
Basically, Morrowind was a very dumbed down version of Daggerfall in my opinion.
Never played daggerfall, but I also found Morrowind to be too simplistic. Also, the dialogue was a steaming pile of suck. The way morrowind dialogue works, it seems to be your character uttering single words, and another person responding with what, if spoken, would be 5-minute orations. Even in its earliest beta, MB is far better than morrowind, in terms of the human factor.
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