a few suggestions

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1. Lance problem: When there are a lot of soldiers on the field, it becomes very difficult to get a couched lance strike, because every time you even brush another horseman, you immidiately lose a lot of your speed. Perhaps the speed penalty for running into another horse (if it is a slight angle) could be reduced.

2. Horse dying causes player damage: You should take a good amount of damage if your horse is killed while you're riding it. A fall from that height with the added possibility that your horse might crush you looks very painful.

3. Knockdown decreased: Footmen should only be able to be knocked down every x seconds. Also, you should have to be going fairly fast to be able to knock over a footman.

4. Unhorsing:
A blow that takes X percent of your hp in a single strike should unhorse you/an enemy.

5. Jumping: The jumping animation is pretty lame. It looks like the player is levitating; maybe it could be made a little more realistic?
I agree completely with points 2, 4, and 5. The horse falling out from under you and flinging you to the ground would hurt and hurt bad ... and thats if you were lucky and the horse didn't roll/fall on top of you. The unhorsing idea is great ... if a hit takes 55% or more (I just threw a number in there as an example) then you are knocked from the saddle. The jumping animation is a serious weak point ... not sure how hard it would be to make it better. *shrug*

I don't agree with point 1 ... in a battlefield situation, I would think that it should be very difficult to get a full running gallop and get a couched strike against a foe.

I somewhat disagree with your third point. The knockdown rate is too high at the moment, but rather than say a person can only be knocked down once every eight seconds (throw in your own numbers :wink: ) ... I would rather see the knockdown difficulty be made harder. It should just be harder to knock a person down. Example: I just stopped playing a game where I was knocked out because I couldn't get up ... over and over, I went through the knockdown animation. Frustrating.

thats what i meant. I just think it should be made so you stand all the way up before getting knocked down again (ie getting knocked over 15 times in a row by a line of horsemen)
I don't know if this was a fluke or not, but I did unhorse somebody today. There was a big gaggle of horsemen (mine and enemy) on the side of a hill slugging it out, and I came head on and above one of the enemy and knocked him out of the saddle with my sword. I assumed he was dead at first but he got right back up and his horse was still standing. Maybe the animations for the horse dying just didn't happen. I don't know.
I think the main problem with the jumping animation is that it doesn't account for speed, a horse would jump farther if it were going faster. It makes the animation look way too static the way it is now.
actually, jumping is static. if you run and jump, then stand still and jump, its always the same distance(i think). basing jump distance on speed would make sence, but is trivial because jumping hardly serves a purpose in the game anyway. on another note, how about basing jump height on encumbrance and athletics skill?
It isn't related to the topic at all, yet I feel forced to make an observation. In the starting town ... did you know that you can jump on top of the merchant's tent?

Sorry for getting this thread off-topic ... :oops:

I did. Which is incredibly annoying. I had just beaten a huge party of Dark Knights and only lost 1 knight and 1 footman, and returned to zendar. I then was jumping around, when I got stuck up there (it's a bug, your knees seem to get stuck on the cover of the stall, and you sort of vibrate). I had to close M&B down without saving in order to save my character, so I had to try to beat the Dark Knights all over again :cry:. And that time I lost like 3 knights and 3 horsemen.

I didn't get stuck. I was actually running back and forth, jumping between the two and laughing my rear off. My wife was calling me retarded because I was laughing so loud and just jumping back and forth for no reason. (don't ask ... I get entertained easily at times)

Sorry to hear your experience wasn't quite the fun that mine was. :sad:

Yep, weight of a horse comes and rolls over you should do quite lot of damage, especially when the rider gets stuck under it.

And it would be nice to knock enemies from their saddle, but only with enough damage, or the weapon should be heavy enough (or something like that. Blunt weapon, anyone?)...

BTW, have you tried exiting zendar with Tab when you try these "jump bugs"?
Damnit Eppu, you beat me too it, pointing out the TAB thing. And I think anything heavy enough to knock you off your seat is going to hurt quite a bit anyway. What if you get hit in the shield though?
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