A few suggestions/ideas i've thought of.

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Before you read these, take note that there's probably a few repeats. I'm also not entirely sure what IS being added, so there may be some repeats there. It's also based off a few assumptions, such as that interiors arn't always going to look like a dungeon/keep.

1. Roads - I was looking at the map earlier and I realized why it looked so barren: There are no roads! I think that there should be roads between the major cities, with Zendar and the Four Roads Inn connecting both of the kingdoms. Roads should give a bonus to movement, but on the otherhand it should increase enemie's visibility of you or something like that.

2. Neutral Units - This isn't really important, but I noticed that Zendar's inn hires out Swadian units. It would be nice if they simply sold Mercenaries or some other form of sword for hire.

3. Peasants - This ties in with the above idea a bit, but peasants are currently a Swadian unit as they upgrade to Swadian Militia. Perhaps it'd be a good idea to have seperate low-level unit for neutral peasants (such as farmers. Maybe "Commoner"?) or renaming the Swadian peasant to something else. I have a few ideas more ideas for units I may post later if needed.

4. "Evil" - While i'm not sure what the storyline is going to be so this may be totally inappropriate, it'd be nice if you had the option to attack "neutral" armies such as Farmers, Peasants, Refugee.

5. Slavery updates- Right now, Slavery doesn't seem all that useful later in the game. Sure, you can get a nice blunt weapon and capture people but why bother spending thousands for 100 gold a person? What if the harder enemies sold for more? While a bit subjective, surely a slave master would realize a Dark Knight is more useful then a lowly peasant. Perhaps increase their sell price in increments of 25 or 50 for each rank they prisoner is.

6. More cities/landmarks - Pretty self explanitory, and i'm sure it's not top priority as some cities are still unfinished but it'd be nice to see more things on the map. Perhaps bandit camps, neutral villages, prisons, etc.

7. Inns - Perhaps something like 10 gold per person, not alot of but enough to prevent constant resting. To counteract this, you could make it so the player can set up a camp and rest for free outside, at the risk of being attacked.

Thats all I can remember at the moment. I'll have more eventually, i'm sure. Post your thoughts.
I would like the ability to maybe 'jack' enemy horses. Like if you had the timing right you could hop up on the back of an enemy lancer and either throw him off or just attack him from behind up there. This could be used for friendly troops. If an ally is surrounded you can swoop in, pick him up and ride to safer ground.

While were at it the AI for people on horseback need to be addressed:

So many times have I been an archer on foot at the tournament with two friendlys on horses. They run off to who knows where while a footman with a sword advances with a shield and I can't outrun him since it seems that they are faster. So I die a embarrassing death while they do whatever. I also don't like how if you are knocked unconscious you automatically lose. There is a chance that your team could still win without you.

Also why don't your teammates listen to your commands at the tourney? Do they not have to, or is it not finished yet. Something must be up since I told the team to unmount and they did nothing until we were almost done and a friendly runs over with a lance because he jumped off his horse and then I walked over jumped on it and ran down the last horse archer.

Don't get me wrong this game gladly earned my ten dollars and the day players stop complaining about AI is the day God buys me lunch.
Just thought of a few more things:

Orders- It'd really be nice to have more varied orders to give your soldiers. Things such as "Fall back" where they would run back and regroup, or "Retreat" where they'd attempt to flee the map. Another thing that'd be nice is to make the Hold Position command make your soldiers stop moving and hold positon immediately until you give the issue to charge. Right now it seems they'll run off if the enemy gets within about 20 yards.

Horse trampling - Right now, running into an enemy can get you killed since you'll stop and enemies swarm you. What if charging into a soldier knocked him back and did some damage? Could work with enemy horses as well.

Bank/home/keep- It'd be nice if there was a place to store surplus items, or money whether it be a bank, a home, or a keep of some sort.

Make enemies "solid" - I'm not really sure how to explain this, but i'll try. Say there is a knight with a sword, and a militiaman with a spear. The knight attacks you with his sword, and you turn toward him. However, the miltiaman comes up behind the knight and attacks you. His spear goes right throught he knight and hits you. It's very annoying and makes encounters like this pretty hard. Perhaps making enemies/soldiers solid similar to townspeople?
Collision damage would be nice, for example:
You dont just sort of poke at people with your lace, you have to get a good run up and hit them with it, with optional poking if your standing still.
Also, the horse trampling thing would be good, provided the horses took some damage from it as well (not as much, but some) to prevent abuses, as well as for realism.

Movement penalties for damage.
If you shoot somebody in the leg with an arrow, it doesnt affect them beyond the HP damage.
I dont like this :razz:

Gunpowder weapons
Not muskets or anything so 'advanced', but handcannons, which were around about the time this game is set. I just think it would be cool to run up to your enemy and blast him in the face with a 1lb lead ball :smile:

Moral system:
This may or may not be possible, but it would be cool.
Make is so your less well-trained allies will run away when confronted with an overwhelming force, instead of advancing into the maw of the fourty armoured-guys on horses with their pitchfork.
Well, it depends on timescale. And besides, usually they fired shrapnel... (cause 1lb lead ball is an overkill against a single target, obviously) and those weapon were impossble to be fired from hands (Russian 'streltchi' (shooters) used their 'Berdishi' (bardiche) as snipers use bipods now... btw, it's very effective weapon by itself - great both in attack and defend).
All in all, I don't think that would be a high-priority feature.
Glad to hear about the solid enemies. Thats what usually kills me :sad:

Personally I don't really like the gunpowder thing as I don't think it'd fit in too well, though with the proper balancing I wouldn't mind it (Not working in rain, explode randomly). Not my game though, so I guess it's up to Armagan :smile:

Anyway, I'll keep posting things I think of in here. Theres about 4 others I had earlier and can't remember.
I was just playing and thought of this so I figured i'd better write it down before I forget it.

Regarding the Caravan quests that merchants give out. They give out a rather low amount of gold for their requirements

First, you usually need about 8 - 12 people in your group before you can take the mission.

Then you usually have to go someplace all the way across the map for a mere 300-600 gold. Personally, theres no way i'm doing Zendar to Halmar for only 540 gold! It'd be nice if the reward for the escort mission was based on distance or something. If it's already based on distance, perhaps increase the modifier or whatever it is that determines it?
Just thought of a few more ideas...

Group Officers - I think it'd be nice if NPC parties were limited by the same leadership/prisoner management skill as the player. I've seen a 105 group of Vaegirs earlier and theres no way they have 20 leadership. I think it'd be cool if each group had their own leaders that determined how many people they can have following them or how many prisoners they can have.

Free for all Tournament - Pretty self explanitory. An "everyman for himself" mode for the arena

Tournament Crowd - Just some characters/sprites in the stands at the arena. Perhaps some ambient "crowd" noises as well.

Iron man mode - This is my favorite, but obviously not good until the game is close to finished. You create a new character and choose "iron man". This mode disallows any manual saving (if any is ever added), and death is permanent. Would be nice for those seeking a challenge. To comensate for difficulty, perhaps something like %10 off prices of items.

Iron man mode - This is my favorite, but obviously not good until the game is close to finished. You create a new character and choose "iron man". This mode disallows any manual saving (if any is ever added), and death is permanent. Would be nice for those seeking a challenge. To comensate for difficulty, perhaps something like %10 off prices of items.

verry verry good idea!!! exellent, i would like this verry much! i cant praise it enough :wink: ! super!

i would say +10% to all prices :wink: for extra challenge :wink:
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