A few suggestions and a question.

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1. A "back", or "cancel" button in the character creation screen would be nice. Sometimes I accidentally select start a new game instead of load game, and I have to continue through the character creation process in order to get out of it.

2. When encountering a party of rescued prisoners, it won't let you selectively recruit them like after a battle. It's an all or nothing affair, so if I want those 5 swadian men-at-arms, I also have to have enough slots for the peasants, militia, crossbowmen and those manhunters. If we could have the same screen we get after a battle that would be nice.

3. It would also be nice to be able to selectively control the wages of your men in exchange for a morale bonus/penalty.

I also have a question. I read in another thread that you can send Marnid or the other guy to wait for you at the Four way Inn, and you can attach troops to them. I have successfully sent them to the inn, but I never got the option to give them soldiers. What’s the deal?
1. and 2. have bugged me too. These should be fixed and they dont seem to be very hard to code.
3. Nice idea. Paying more should raise morale to a certain point.
Nairagorn said:
I've heard that it will make your men a little faster and/or more accurate in combat.

This is at least partially true. I forgot to feed my men once, and my party moved slower the lower their morale got. I'm not sure about combat though. I think it is suppose to effect combat, but it would be hard to test objectively.
I've only gotten the option to give these guys troops when I tell them to seperate and wait for me here. If I do that, when I go back to talk to them again, I get the option to assign troops to them. Not sure what function that really has though, yet. Aside from the obvious.
OddjobXL said:
I've only gotten the option to give these guys troops when I tell them to seperate and wait for me here. If I do that, when I go back to talk to them again, I get the option to assign troops to them. Not sure what function that really has though, yet. Aside from the obvious.

I thought I tried that already. I'll have to go back tonight and try again.

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