A few questions

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1: A few npcs take the throne to their faction first, like Esmiralda, if I take them prisoner, what happens? Does someone else take the throne to the same faction?

2: What happes if I enable heros to be moved into the prison camps of villages, will they work there like other prisoners?

3: If you go to war with another faction, is it possible to make peace with them? *search engine did not turn up anything*

4: How is it possible for another faction to make patrols when they don't have a steward yet?
Lord_Adam said:
1: A few npcs take the throne to their faction first, like Esmiralda, if I take them prisoner, what happens? Does someone else take the throne to the same faction?

2: What happes if I enable heros to be moved into the prison camps of villages, will they work there like other prisoners?

3: If you go to war with another faction, is it possible to make peace with them? *search engine did not turn up anything*

4: How is it possible for another faction to make patrols when they don't have a steward yet?

1: i think, that when you put esmiralda and the rest prisoner in camp they will escape and claim it later too, maybe not. got no clue on that

2: Heroes in camps as prisoner will work as a normal prisoner and after a time they escape.

3: Currently as far i know the only way to make peace is to help them out in fights with bandits etc.

4:i dont know, but maybe it just pops up  :lol:
Lord_Adam said:
4: How is it possible for another faction to make patrols when they don't have a steward yet?
They cheat, as Pvt88 said they just pop up. I'm not sure if they have the same restriction on total numbers of patrols but it looks that way.

I have a question. If I attack another factions lord or caravans to declare war (I guess that's the only way to do it), will my entire faction (my settlement plus the settlements I gave to my companions) also start to fight them? Or will they only be after me. As I remember, attacking a faction only makes them mad at you, and not the faction you join, so I don't know if it's the same way in this mod.

Also, how many caravans can be on a trade route? I know one of my caravans goes to Custow, even though I don't remember starting a trade route with them. If I create 10 caravans, and have six trade routes open, will all caravans use those six trade routes, or will four of the caravans just stay in the settlement (as the six trade routes are taken)?
caravans will move to a random place you have a trade route with

your relation with other factions should be the same as your factions relation with other factions.
I have another question. Is it possible for me to give prisoners to a city that is not my own?

My city has more prisoners than troops, and I want to get rid of them. On the other hand, I also want to give all of them to another town, so they will be overloaded with prisoners and have a revolt. :smile:

So is it possible?

Also, the Swadians have been taken out. All their towns are gone (I had nothing to do with it. It was due to Vaegirs, Bandits, etc.), and I wanted to know if they will spring up again? There are peasant towns that have eco2mil2, and I want to know if the Swadians will come up in one of them.
Lord_Adam said:
2: What happes if I enable heros to be moved into the prison camps of villages, will they work there like other prisoners?
No need to enable it... you can already make them settlement prisoners, you just have to use the "Give all prisoners to settlement option".
EasyCo said:
I have another question. Is it possible for me to give prisoners to a city that is not my own?
No, you can only sell prisoners to a ransom broker or a slave trader or just release them.

EasyCo said:
Also, the Swadians have been taken out. All their towns are gone (I had nothing to do with it. It was due to Vaegirs, Bandits, etc.), and I wanted to know if they will spring up again? There are peasant towns that have eco2mil2, and I want to know if the Swadians will come up in one of them.
To my knowledge whenever a new kingdom is formed their culture is determined at random so it can happen again.
I've had this happen before as well.  I took out Charfield, and I ended up having around 300 prisoners.  This causes a major problem when the caravan gets to your settlement because you have to spend all of your peasants trying to keep enough of an army to quiet the prisoners.  Might be nice to add in dialog that allows you to decide how many prisoners you'd like to give the settlement.
xodiz said:
I've had this happen before as well.  I took out Charfield, and I ended up having around 300 prisoners.  This causes a major problem when the caravan gets to your settlement because you have to spend all of your peasants trying to keep enough of an army to quiet the prisoners.  Might be nice to add in dialog that allows you to decide how many prisoners you'd like to give the settlement.

An easy way to fix that is to take prisoners out, and then disband them. Just Ctrl click the prisoners in the settlement to get them all at once, and Ctrl click again in the party screen to disband them all at once.
xodiz said:
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing.  Just sucks to throw em away  :sad:
If you are lucky there is a ransom broker in your tavern (they wander like in native) so you can sell the prisoners to them.
But if your prisoners are peasants and the like it might be smart to convert your peasants to soldiers because imprisoned peasants join your population after a while (a week or so).
I also got some question..
1. How can i established my caravan route. I have talk to merchant, but it seems only other faction caravan arrived at my city. I never saw mine.
2. How to recruit army fast? I only able to train 1 by 1. It's taking a lot of time while AI seems build their army very fast.
3. Where can i find horse merchant?
SirAndre said:
1. How can i established my caravan route. I have talk to merchant, but it seems only other faction caravan arrived at my city. I never saw mine.
You can create your own caravans by talking to a trader in your own settlement, you're maximum number of caravans depends on your trade skill.

SirAndre said:
2. How to recruit army fast? I only able to train 1 by 1. It's taking a lot of time while AI seems build their army very fast.
Increase the training skill, and you should know that AI's cheat.

SirAndre said:
3. Where can i find horse merchant?
Upgrade your economy twice or visit a city with that upgrade. The Custow horse trader is in the castle courtyard.
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