A few questions

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My apologies if these were answered somewhere in the stickies. I read the manual and FAQ stickes and didn't see them in there.

#1) Not all of my soliders are coming out to battle with me. Is there a limit to how many that can be on the field at once? I thought I read somewhere that there are waves, does that mean a dozen come out with me at first and then whatever is left over comes out in a second wave? If so, when does that second wave come out?

#2) Is there away that I can just drop off my army somewhere and go out for some solo fun?

#3) I thought someone had posted that they have the game on "hard". I only have the option for Normal, easy, and easiest. I have it on Normal right now, but I'd like the best challenge as possible. Is there a hard setting? And if so, how to I set it to hard?

Thanks for the help all!! I know its been said a million times before, but, this game rocks! :wink:

#1) Is regulated by the battle size slider in options, its about 30ish max / battle and when the enemy is killed you get to choose how to fight (troops/you+troops) and thats the "second wave"

#2) Nope, they can't be temporarily left, only disbanded

#3) They mean normal AI, Full Damage, Full Battlesize and ppossibly even Iron-Man mode ( no saving without quitting)
Thanks for the replies!

#1) 30ish max. Does that mean 15 on each side? I think that's about what I saw. Does it draw the top 15 of your units on your party list? If so, that makes sense.

#2) Damn. I miss soloing now and then.

#3) I've got everything up, so I guess its at as hard as it can get right now. Which seems to be good.
#1) Actually, if you increase tactics on yourself or one of your npcs, YOU can bring more units into battle. Every two skill levels increases the differance between the number of men you can field against an enemy. However, the 30 man cap will still hold.

#2) Yes, you CAN temporarily get rid of units, but it is a bit dangerous, and you still risk not seeing them ever again. Simply tell Borcha or Maernid to "wait right here." Then, when they are no longer in your party, talk to them, and assign some troops (or all of them, if you don't want the losers in your party) under the NPCs command.
In case your wondering, I believe the maximum difficulty rating is somewhere around 103%, with damage set to full (or normal), AI set to hard, the number of men per battle set to max, and the game only allowing saves when exiting.
Actually, I just checked mine. Its at 107%. I just don't want to fly through it with ease...I want a challenging experience. So far, at this difficulty it has been reasonably difficult.
#2) Just found another way to temporarily drop you troop, I found it when mess with the prisoners :lol:
1. Attack a prisoner train, or any hostile groups with prisoners.
2. Prevail and "uncapture" all your troops, they should be in the prisoner list now.
Tips: I dunno whether there are same types of troops in both the army list and the prisoner list makes this trick works, in my case both sides got swadian crossbowmen.
If you dont want them got attacked by war parties and perished, make the rescued prisoners group as large as possible.

BTW, this my first post, good day :smile:
I don't know why this is, maybe my computer is getting old but I need to reset the difficulty to 107% everytime I start it up ever since the latest patch. I just thought that I would add that in case it happens to other people and they haven't noticed it. Otherwise it is reset set too super easy.
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