A few questions from a beginner

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This is one of the funnest games I have played in years. It's been a long time since I got into a game so much that I played it for several days straight without wanting to stop. I think i've been playing for around 24 hours now, and I only stopped to sleep about 8 of those. Luckily I had yesterday and today off work. Fantastic game.

Anyhow, I'd like to ask a few questions that I haven't really managed to find much info on in the forums.

First off, I am a lvl 11 right now. I have 100% completion on the river pirate quest. My army is 30 strong, though mostly low level units (caravan guards, footmen, militia, watchmen, etc.) I'm wondering if I should join one of the factions at this point. I'm not sure what the advantage to doing so is. I tried it briefly just to see, hoping I could get some better units from my swarn army, but not much happened. It seems the only thing that happens is that I get a target on my back from the enemy armies... many of which I cannot deal with yet.

2nd, I am wondering about my character. I like to ride a horse, and whack at people with my sord, but it seems like a lance would be more practical until I unmount. I'm just wondering if anyone actually chooses to use a 1 handed sword a top a horse? My profieciency with 1 handed swords is much higher, so I think I actually might do more damage. When I briefly tried using a lance, it didn't do as much damage as my sword.

3rd... what should I be doing to make extra cash? I have been hunting down river and sea pirates, and occasionally some bandits. I'm just wondering if there is a better way to make some good cash? I need a new horse and some better armor, and I dont want to use cheats.

Lastly... when can I bet more on arena fights? I have read many times about 100 denar bets, but I can only bet 30 at this point. The 100 denar bets would be really beneficial to me.
1) Joining a faction is feasible at almost any point in the game. The enemy party sizes increase based on your level, so they will remain challenging throughout the game.
Joining a faction gives you a rank with them, which is raised as you complete quests. You get a weekly pay (rather small though) based on your rank. The main reason, though, is that you can get several quests from the counts/lords/kings of towns which are your faction. These quests can give you decent rewards in money and experience. They'll give you a lot more to do in the game.

2) Weapons you use are a matter of personal taste, and all are workable. I generally go with jousting lance, bastard sword (1h/2h both), shield, and throwing weapons (usually daggers). I go with different weapon loadouts on different characters though. The great lance and jousting lance are indeed pretty useless on foot.
The thing to remember with lances is to go for couched damage instead of attacking with it; for couched lance damage, you don't touch the attack button. As your speed increases enough, the lance will drop into couched position by itself and all you do is aim your galloping horse at the enemy. Again, don't touch the attack button or you will NOT do couched damage. Couched lance damage was rightly nerfed a bit in a recent version, but still is capable of more damage than other attacks.

3)See number 1 about faction quests. You can also make money buying and selling stuff and doing quests for merchants. The merchants initially only offer you caravan escorting quests, but have 3 more quests they give when they trust you enough from doing quests for them.

4) You can't bet more than 30 on arena battles in the unmodded game. Looks like you found my Arena Expansion mod, which will increase the max bet amount based on your level when I release the next version (hopefully by Friday night).
Yeah, I haven't actually been able to use the mod yet, as I have just started playing, and it's not compatable with the latest release. I downloaded the last release of the mod to see if it would still work, but didn't. I really like tournament fights, but it would be neat to have a little more say in them. I really want to do some 1 on 1 battles. It would also be pretty awesome to choose which weapon types you want to fight with, because I really want to practice the couched lancing. I never knew how to do it before.

Anyow, thank you for answering my questions.
To make some money,
prisonners_buisness is the best soluce at earlier time.
All of them are sell for the same price,
river_pirate or black_knight.
With a trader_skill at 4, you gain 20 by one.

Good luck,
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