A few minor, humble suggestions

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Thank you so much for your work on M&B; the battle system is wonderful.

I would like to point out some areas which could benefit from minor tweaks:

1. Often on the overworld map, the information for only one side of a battle is visible, even when I move my cursor over the battle.

2. On the Party screen, the party skill "trainer" is not listed under "Party Skills."

3. I am unable to allocate Marnid's and Borcha's weapon points on their "tell me about yourself" character pages.

4. Please consider increasing the speed of overworld map travel--it is currently tedious.
(I realize this has already been mentioned, but for me this is the game's principal weakness; so I reiterate).

I hope my suggestions are of use.

Maybe the alt key could be also used for boosting travel speed as it can with wait time. I say this because I actually like the pace of the map travel. I think that as the map becomes more detailed this will be mitigated somewhat.

I find that when I cant see both sides of a battle I can zoom in to max and rotate the camera to eventually get a look at the other data. Maybe though, the data could be spaced apart a bit more.

Captain Black said:
Maybe the alt key could be also used for boosting travel speed as it can with wait time. I say this because I actually like the pace of the map travel. I think that as the map becomes more detailed this will be mitigated somewhat.

I find that when I cant see both sides of a battle I can zoom in to max and rotate the camera to eventually get a look at the other data. Maybe though, the data could be spaced apart a bit more.


I thought it was control that sped time while waiting...?
Wanderer said:
Captain Black said:
Maybe the alt key could be also used for boosting travel speed as it can with wait time. I say this because I actually like the pace of the map travel. I think that as the map becomes more detailed this will be mitigated somewhat.

I thought it was control that sped time while waiting...?

Yeah it is, sorry my bad. But you see what I mean right?

treemother said:
1. Often on the overworld map, the information for only one side of a battle is visible, even when I move my cursor over the battle.
If you pause yourself (hit space) in travel, you can use wasd to center the fight, and then circle around it. I find I have the same problem, but this helps me see.
treemother said:
2. On the Party screen, the party skill "trainer" is not listed under "Party Skills."
It's a personal skill, and unlike party skills, where highest counts, they add together. So if you have Borcha, Marcid, and yourself with a 2/2/4 in training, you get 10+10+25? xp added to your troops each midnight.
treemother said:
3. I am unable to allocate Marnid's and Borcha's weapon points on their "tell me about yourself" character pages.
Can't find the thread at the moment. They equip the most expensive gear they have.
treemother said:
4. Please consider increasing the speed of overworld map travel--it is currently tedious.
(I realize this has already been mentioned, but for me this is the game's principal weakness; so I reiterate).
I couldn't agree more, but the 'speed time' bit I think would be better then reconstructing the map speed and unit speeds... those seem alright.
treemother said:
3. I am unable to allocate Marnid's and Borcha's weapon points on their "tell me about yourself" character pages.

I think you probably need to increase their "weapon master" skill in order to allocate those weapon points.
I'm sorry, I brain fried on #3. I swore it asked what weapons they equip as weapon points... I'm gonna go sit in the corner with my dunce cap now...
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