A few apologies

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Ok so I get a little carried away sometimes making analogies about terrorists, crack heads, and illuminati. So for that I apologize. I didn't think people would focus on one of the three analogies and call me a bad example of americans. Who said I am american, anyway? Ever heard of joining the military to earn citizenship?

It appears I got several points across and as result some people are pretty serious about updating the M&B homepage. Plus I now see that there are some real people around here working on this game now and am a little more comfortable with donating $14 to them or even sticking around this project.

~So what the heck is a "troll?"
~Thanks for correcting me about being wrong on the whole april last relaease issue.
~Morrowind does have its quirks but is a good example of having a decent legacy in the fantasy realm.
~Ban me if you will but as long as I can still read the boards...

Keep up the good work developer and moderator.
A "troll" is a fishing reference. Trolling is setting out bait, going along, and just waiting for someone to bite. On a message board it's generally something posted deliberately to incite negative responses.
Jarskull ...

Thanks for coming back and explaining yourself. I personally appreciate it very much.

Buying Mount&Blade (trust me) is a very good choice. The game was awesome when I purchased it and it just keeps getting better and better. :grin:

You weren't completely in the wrong about the April 'last release' thing. Part of that was due to the website. A quick glance at the current threads might have easily dispelled that notion, but regardless. :wink:

No worries about getting banned as long as things are kept civil.

Again ... welcome to the forums. :grin:

A "troll" is a fishing reference. Trolling is setting out bait, going along, and just waiting for someone to bite. On a message board it's generally something posted deliberately to incite negative responses.

Really? How silly I am. I always though "Troll" was becouse the fantasy creature.
I really wasn't troubled by what he posted, he just didn't get the facts straight.
What really ugly about that thread was it's Morrowind haters who think they are somesort of superior being just because they play a diffarent game.
I really don't care if someone didn't like the game itself thank you, but insulting the fan of the game and thinking their opinions is universaly right makes me laugh. :lol:
What really ugly about that thread was it's Morrowind haters who think they are somesort of superior being just because they play a diffarent game.

The fact you dont like something does not mean you think you are a "superior being". I just dint like it a lot. I really tried, and I even liked it for a while, but then I realized that the game was little more than a pointless trip in a huge beautiful world of generic charcters, repetitive missions and uninteresting buildings. At first I though "Wow, what a huge world! I can spend years exploring it!". But after you explored 10% of that world, you know you aint going to find anything really different in the other 90% of it.

Of course, the same applies (even more) to "M&B", but I dont play "M&B" for the exploring or questing, I play it for the combat, and it never gets boring. In "Morrowind", combat sucks, so, if you get bored walking around the beautiful scenes, theres nothing left there for you. The plot also sucks, in my opinion, although I have to admit I saw very little of it.
There has been a thread or ten in the Off-Topic forum about Morrowind.

As they are probably quite dated ... maybe this 'debate/discussion' can resume there, either in an old thread or in a new one.


Thanks for your apology again,

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