A faction using multiple troop trees?

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I have just started on making new troop trees for my mod, and i was wondering:
Is it possible to make a faction or a specific lord generate and use troops from more than one troop tree?
Troop tree is simply a scheme of troop upgrade.
The number and the quality of troops is set in kingdom_1_reinforcements_a (and other) of module_party_templates.py You may make a faction and all faction's lords use any troops of any troop trees you want (mercenaries, for example) by changing kingdom_x_reinforcements_n.

Well I can say, for sure, that it's possible.

It's in Hundred years war.

You could check out how it works there but the only thing that's hard is setting new place for lords to recruit (base) troops.

other than that, the upgrades will work fine.
If you search around for reinforcements_c you'll find all the pertinent code.  Don't guess when the code will tell you.  If you just care about the reinforcement step, look in cf_reinforce_party.
kt0 said:
If you search around for reinforcements_c you'll find all the pertinent code.  Don't guess when the code will tell you.  If you just care about the reinforcement step, look in cf_reinforce_party.


I'm not sure what that implies i have to do. In what file should i search for where the reinforcements are used?
Step 1:  Find in files
Step 2:  Understand the code
Step 3:  Mod to your liking

We don't have the luxury of a "go to definition" sadly so we're stuck with find in files.  If your editor doesn't have one, get an editor that does.  You could also look for all instances of party_add_template since that's how existing parties get reinforced.  If you hunt around in ID_scripts.py and look through the scripts that sound like they might be related, I bet you'll turn up some fun stuff.
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